14 inch Bru Jne 4 with antique eyes -SOLD-

Happy Mother’s Day!

Thank you for so many inquiries and applications for the lottery of my new doll. I ruffled the name of the winner this morning and she is now sold. I already emailed the winner so applicants who did not receive email from me by now, I am very sorry your name was not picked this time. I had more than 10 entries this time and the chance of winning was very slim.

Due to increasing demand, I am no longer using the lottery system. I will be fulfilling requests of customers who are on the waiting list first and my dolls will not be available to the general public till further notice. I closed my Facebook account permanently in order to scale down my business. I appreciate Facebook friends who followed me for many years. I will continue to post updates of my work on Instagram and this blog so you will always be informed.

You can go to my Instagram page from this link https://www.instagram.com/bebesbysayuri/ or find me as ” bebesbysayuri”.

Please email me at bebesbysayuri1@gmail.com if you would like to be on my waiting list or ask any questions. This waiting list is for an offer of a finished doll and not to be confused with custom dolls since I no longer take custom orders.

Please keep in mind that I have been decreasing my work hours, due to my health issues, therefore there might be a prolonged waiting period. As always I take great pride and joy on my creations. I appreciate your understanding.



インスタグラムのアカウントはこちらのリンクから閲覧できます。https://www.instagram.com/bebesbysayuri/  または” bebesbysayuri”で検索してください。順番待ちリストについてのお問い合わせは bebesbysayuri1@gmail.comまでご連絡ください。なお、このリストは新作の販売のご案内を順にさせていただくもので、カスタムオーダーは受け付けていませんのでご了承ください。




In case you are wondering why you can’t  find my Facebook page anymore, I no longer use Facebook as my communication tool as of today.
You can still follow my work from Instagram and this blog.
Here is a link to my Instagram.
You can contact me by sending a message from Instagram or I can be reached by email at bebesbysayuri1@gmail.com.
Thank you for your continuing support.

14” Bru Jne 4 with Antique Eyes for Sale

               —This doll is sold —
I am so happy to offer my first doll I created this year!
She is a 14 inch Bru Jne 4 with antique eyes. I painted her bisque with a slightly paler pink tone compared to an antique doll.
I created a Chevrot style body with metal parts in the upper arm and upper legs and outside is covered with kidskin. I added antique finish to the outside leather to give it a vintage look. I packed granulated cork tightly in the torso section.Her lower legs are made with composition. She comes with an antique blond mohair wig and vintage blue glass earrings. I used all the antique materials to make her drop waist Bru style silk dress with a matching bonnet.  Please note that some parts of silk are melting and have stain due to the age of fabric. I recommend the new owner to keep the doll away from direct sunlight in order to preserve the fabric. She comes with four part undergarments including corset. They are also made with antique materials.
Her shoes are made from black kidskin and I stamped ” Bru Jne Paris” on the sole.
今年の一作目の作品が完成しました!35センチ(ボネットの高さ含まず)のBru Jne 4嬢です。

A dress for 14″ Bru completed

Yes, the dress is finally completed! I wanted to use this aqua color antique trim I salvaged from an antique gown and create a design emphasizing this beautiful trim.
Base shape of the dress is a very simple traditional drop waist style, often worn by Bru dolls. I used trims as an accent and gave the dress a vintage look.
Using damaged antique fabric is not for everyone. I happen to like the aged look dresses and if I were to make one for doll of my own collection, this is the type of dress I would make.
Bru 嬢のドレスがようやく完成しました!以前アンティークドレスを解体した際にとっておいたアクアカラーのトリムがあるのですが、これを使ったデザインをずっと考えていました。ドレスベース部分はBruがよく着ているシンプルなドロップウエストのドレスなのですが、アンティークトリムをアクセントに使ってヴィンテージ風に仕上げました。画像でもお分かりのように、傷んだ生地をあえて使っています。こういった風合いのドレスは人によって好みが分かれるため、万人向けではありません。私はたまたま古い風合いのドレスが好きで、もしも自分のために作品を作るなら、こういう風に仕上げたかったのです。


Front section of the Bru dress

Front part of the Bru dress is almost completed …  Next is the back part and sleeves. Almost there!


Playing with wigs

I have already posted these photos on Instagram and Facebook when I was playing with wigs for 14″ Bru. I thought I’d post them here for people who don’t do SNS. (^▽^)/

これらの画像はすでにインスタやフェイスブックでご紹介済みですが、ここでにはまだ載せてなかったので載せますね。(^▽^)/ 14’”Bru 嬢にいろんなウィッグを被せてみました。

14″ Bru undergarments completed

I finished making undergarments for 14″ Bru. They are 4 piece set including corset. I may add bustle pad later on depending on the design of the dress. They are made with antique cotton batiste and lace. Outer fabric of corset is also made from antique stiff cotton. It has bones to keep corset in shape.

Bru嬢の下着が完成しました。シミーズ、ドロワーズ、ペチコート、コルセットの4点セットです。ドレスのデザインによっては、あとでバッスルパッドを作るかもしれません。( まだドレスのデザインが決まってませーん( ;∀;) )素材はすべてアンティークで、薄手の綿ローンにレース、コルセットの表側もアンティークの固めのキャンバスっぽいコットン素材です。もちろんボーンも入っています。


Bru body completed

14 inch Bru’s Chevrot style body is completed.
I stained leather to give antique look.😊
Antique Bru kidbody I was going to use was little too short and legs were too chubby for this head. I think it would work for a Bru with more sweeter and younger look.
14 インチBru嬢のシェブローボディが完成しました。ビンテージ風の雰囲気を出すために、革の部分にはアンティーク加工を施しました。制作を始めたころに用意したアンティークのキッドボディは、背丈がわずかに短く、革の脚部分が太いため、このBru嬢の雰囲気には合いませんでした。このキッドボディはもっと幼顔の娘に合います。なので将来のために取っておきましょう。

Finished Bru legs

I finished making Bru legs for 14” doll.
Gave antique finish to make them look vintage. I will also stain leather torso later on to give matched antique look.

Bru 嬢のコンポ下脚が出来上がりました。ビンテージの風合いを出すために、わざとアンテイーク風の加工を施しました。革のボディ部分も後程アンテイーク風に加工します。