Bonnet completed

I must confess that I like doll hat with giant brim. 🙂  I use to make this type of bonnet very often but not lately. I had this bonnet design in mind since I started making this Bru doll. She has an antique Chevrot body and antique eyes with gorgeous ruby red dress. She must have a nice tall hat to to complete the fabulous look. Right?  I have this gold antique silk fabric and very hard to find ecru silk moire’ antique ribbon saved for a special doll. Now it’s time to bring them out from my closet.


I dyed narrow silk ribbon with coffee to match the color with moire ribbon.       細めのシルクリボンはモイエリボンと色をあわせるためにコーヒーで染めました。

I will be making shoes and under garment next week!                来週は、靴と下着を作ります。お楽しみに!

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