My trip to London was very successful! I met wonderful friends at lunch meeting. We all met first time that day but feels like we knew each other for long time. It’s amazing what love of doll can do! I will definitely do this again when I have another opportunities.
I brought reading materials of doll costuming and Bru Chevrot body. Then undressed my Bru with antique body to let everyone exam how the dress and body are constructed. It’s difficult to get whole information from books and website alone so seeing actual model is extremely helpful.
I also brought antique fabrics and lace to show what type and color of fabrics are appropriate for costuming. Giving tips of choosing antique lace and ribbons.
サンプル用のアンテイークの生地やレース、リボンなどを実際に見ていただき、どんなタイプの生地や色を選ぶべきか、レースやリボンを買う時のポイントなどをお話しました。I went to vintage textile show in London next day. 滞在中 ロンドン市内にあるビンテージテキスタイルショーにも足を運びました。
I found great antique lace shops at Portobello market. ポートベロマーケットでは、素敵なレースショップを発見!
I took day trip to Bath. They have fashion museum with large collection of antique costume. Too bad I can’t show all of them here.
Victoria & Albert museum costume display exceeded my expectations. There are several wonderful antique doll displays along with beautiful gowns. ヴィクトリア&アルバート美術館のコスチューム展示は予想以上に素晴らしいものでした。ドレスと一緒に、数点のアンテイークドールも展示されていて、ドールファンには必見の美術館です。
You can also view Queen Victoria’s doll collection at Kensington palace.They are wooden peg dolls and facial painting and costuming are just wonderful. ケンジントン宮殿には、ヴィクトリア女王が幼少の頃に使っていた人形が展示されています。初期の木のドールですが、お顔の絵付けやドレスが素晴らしいです。
Windsor castle displays Queen Mary’s doll house. Inside of this extremely large doll house is filled with elaborate miniature items that actually works!
You can also view sister dolls created by SFBJ inside Windsor castle museum.These dolls came with amazing trousseau and they were gift from France to Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. I borrowed these photos from web since photography was not allowed inside the castle.
城内美術館には、SFBJが制作したエリザベス王女とマーガレット王女に贈られたお人形が、たくさんのお支度品と共に展示されています。城内での撮影は許可されていないので、ネットから画像を借りました。I never knew there are so many doll related places I could visit in UK till I actually got there. It was a pleasant surprise and made this trip 200 % more enjoyable. If you ever have chance to visit UK, I recommend you to check out these places. You will definitely enjoy!