It’s been more than 10 years since we received this much of snow. I have been snowed in from beginning of new year. We had power outage few times while I was bisque firing Bru head and that caused crack on bisque head. I am pausing head making till winter storm pass through our area so that I don’t have to worry about another power outage. Meanwhile I am working on Bru dress. I can concentrate on sewing better when the weather is bad. I don’t feel guilty for staying home all day, you know.
My second Bru head was wasted again … power outage during firing did not help for sure.
I am going to use this ecru antique silk fabric from 19th century gown for my Bru dress.
Detail of the front panel. フロントパネルはこんな感じです。
Back panel of the dress. 後ろのパネル
View of side pocket. Making tiny shell trim is such a tedious task …