UFDC convention in Baltimore is around the corner. Unfortunately I am not attending this year but guess what? One of my dolls is!
I made this 14″ Bru head with antique eyes and SP to fit on an antique body for my dear friend years ago. The owner of this doll is also a wonderful seamstress and she is working hard finishing her a costume for competition. (The red velvet dress she is wearing in photos is an antique dress ) I am excited to find out what she will be wearing!
She will be entering the competition category of ” Doll with Bisque Head-French” in classification 41. If you happen to attend the convention in Baltimore, please stop by at competition room and look for her.
今年もUFDC コンベンションの季節がやって来ました。今回はメリーランド州のバルチモアで開催の予定ですが、残念ながら私は参加しません。
友人であるオーナーさんは素晴らしいドールドレスを作る方で、現在コンペ用に別のドレスを製作中だそうです。どんなお支度になるのか楽しみです。😊 (画像の赤いドレスとボネはアンティークだそうです)