Photos of my favorite things

Wow, it’s already mid December. I have not updated this blog for more than a month!
I do post updates more frequently on Instagram than this blog since its much easier to do so if you have not followed me on Instagram yet, please find me as “bebesbysayuri”.
Instagram also automatically translate my posting to your language. I think that’s very nice feature.
I have been working on 30″ Bru little by little but I was also working on another project.
Our local doll club hosted an annual Christmas party and I was busy making a present for a gift exchange. I made doll collage on a vintage photo frame. It turned out very nice.
We just had a party this week and I am posting some photos.
I am also posting photos of my favorite finds from antique shopping. My husband had minor knee surgery last month and that put my work a bit behind so I needed some stress reliever. Antiquing is one of my favorite activities when I need to vent out stress so I went!   I found lots of goodies and being surrounded by these favorite things makes me so happy!
さて30インチのBru嬢の方は少しづつ進んでいますが、先月夫が膝の手術をしたり、私がコロナのブースター接種後に一日寝込んだりしたため、作業が大幅に遅れています。また、所属しているドールクラブのクリスマスパーティーでのプレゼント交換用のアイテムを作ったりと、この時期は忙しいですね。(;^ω^) おかげでストレスも溜まります。

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