14″ Bru Jne 4 with antique eyes

I am delighted to introduce my latest creation, 14” Bru Jne, featuring antique eyes.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been working on this doll, and I’m thrilled to see her finally come to life! The customers on the current waiting list have already been waiting for three years, and I’m very grateful for their patience. It gives me satisfaction that I can finally offer her a doll that she had been waiting for a long time.

It will probably take another two years to complete the current list, and if I were to make another waiting list, I would accept only a small number of people each year so that I could fill the list in one year.

I didn’t realize so many people would apply to be on the waiting list when I first offered it three years ago, and I think it would be a shame to keep customers waiting for so many years.

(The maximum number of dolls that can be produced in one year is three.)

I will continue to make extra dolls available to the public when I do doll shows or exhibitions, as long as I am able to. Lastly, I am very grateful for the support and encouragement I receive from everyone.

Thank you so much!


新作Bru嬢のお披露目です。 年明けから制作し始めてやっと完成したと言う、結構時間がかかった子ですが、愛らしくできて満足です。やっぱりBruに赤のドレスは王道ですね。

現在の予約リストに載っているお客様は、すでに3年も待ってくださっていて、やっと順番が来て気持ちよくお迎えしてくださるので本当にありがたいです。 現リストの消化はまだ2年近くかかりそうですが、次回予約リストを作るならば、一年で消化できる様に少人数のみを毎年受け付けできたらいいなと思っています。はやり何年もお待たせするのは心苦しいですね。 (ちなみに一年で制作できる限度は3体です)


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