It’s December already

There is only one month left in this year …
In the second half of this year, due to kiln malfunctions, forest fires, and a return trip to Japan, I was not able to get much work done. Looking back at the images, I found that I had only painted these heads + Bru in three months. Only two pieces were completed by summer. 2024 turned out to be a year of poor production. I hope to be able to make more next year!


今年の後半は、キルンの不調や森林火災、日本への帰省などがあり、あまり作業がはかどりませんでした。 画像を振り返ってみたら、三ヶ月でこれらのヘッド+Bruの絵付けしかできていなかった(;^ω^) 夏までに完成まで漕ぎ着けた作品は2体のみ。 稀に見る不作の年でした。


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