My Bru doll at Moscow doll show

Archive for November, 2010


( Photo by Happy Dolls )
Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Niigata Japan, where I grew up, is not far away from Eastern Russia. Niigarta faces the sea of Japan and opened up a port to Vladivostok in late 80’s and became a sister city in 1991.
I remember seeing Russian people frequently in the city since then.
The Russian ballet team performed ” The Nut Cracker” many winter seasons in Niigata, and I never forgot how beautifully and elegantly they danced.
I always had great admiration for the Russian culture. When I visited Russia this summer I instantly fell in love.It was natural.
My 16″ Bru Jne 6 in a red costume was exhibited as part of The 6th Annual International Artist Doll Exhibition in Moscow on October 7th to 10th. I hope you can feel how excited I was!
This Moscow artist doll exhibition mainly displays modern artist dolls, but they had a special booth for antique dolls this year because it is the 300th anniversary of Tsarskoye Selo (Royal Village).
The dolls displayed at Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo traveled to Moscow for this show along with other French antique dolls and they were displayed very tastefully.
My doll is not an antique but by generous consideration of owner of the doll, Natalia Kurochkina, who also organized this antique doll section at the show, my Bru was displayed with other wonderful antique French dolls.
( please refer photo above)
Antique doll collecting is still new in today’s Russia and there aren’t very many dolls available inside the country so this was rare a opportunity to introduce and educate doll collectors about antique dolls.
Natalia is a pioneer of antique doll collecting and one of a few experts in Russia.
There wasn’t enough information available when Natalia was getting started collecting antique dolls, so she researched English books and website by herself to gain her knowledge.
She eventually opened her antique doll collecting web magazine ” Happy Dolls”
so that she can share her knowledge with other doll fans.What a wonderful idea!
She introduced my doll on her website, comparing it with an antique Bru that was the inspiration to make this doll.
My goal of doll making is not making ” forgery”or “exact copy”.I try to duplicate looks of them as much as I can with my own interpretation.
If someone sees the same kind of artistic value as an antique doll in my doll, that would be a great honor.
I appreciate Natalia and Russian doll fans so much for finding such value in my dolls.
You can view some articles about this doll exhibition from these links.

 I also posted the link of these sites on my website front page.

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