Triste dress progress # 2

I drew this sketch of the dress from actual antique doll few years ago and finally I have an opportunity to make a dress based on this drawing. This is the dress I am working on right now for 23 inch Triste. I specially like the layered part of the skirt and it looked wonderful with an antique doll. I have been working on this layered section for last few days.


base part of the skirt is box pleated skirt with lace over lay               ベースになるのはボックスプリーツのスカートにレースのオーバーレイ

Total of 18 hand stitched panel for layered part.                   18枚の、二重に重ねる部分のパネルをせっせと手縫いです。

Place the panel over lace …  レースの上にパネルを重ねて。。

Unfortunately, they do not look right. I have to remove the panel and have to come up with plan B. What a shame! Often time I can’t tell if the design works or not till I actually make the parts. Darn it! …..To be continued …


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