I acquired this antique doll corset few month ago to study how its made and it turned out be a perfect specimen to obtain corset pattern for my 17 inch Bru with antique body.
I traced line from antique corset piece by piece on tracing paper and cut them out. アンテイークコルセットの上にトレーシングペーパーを載せ、ラインをトレースして切り抜きます。
Then copy the pattern on paper towel. 型をペーパータオルに移します。
Antique corset was larger than Bru body so I applied paper towel pattern on the body and adjusted the size buy cutting excess. アンテイークコルセットはBruボデイーより少し大きめだったので、ペーパータオルの型紙をボデイーに合わせながら余分を切り落とします。
And this is how corset for my Bru doll came out. I used antique silver color silk for the front and antique heavy cotton for the back. Instead of bones, I used rope cording for front piece seam line and one bone for the back piece.The corset is accented with antique lace and silk ribbon.