16 inch Bru Jun 6 for sale

I am so excited to be able to offer this beautiful Bru doll for sale finally! Most of my dolls I made last year were sold at exhibitions in Japan and I have been receiving lots of inquiries ” when will the next doll be available online?”  Well here she is!

She is a 16 inch Bru Jne 6 with antique Chevrot body and antique blue eyes. Finding these antique bodies and eyes are getting harder each time so she is definitely a one-of-a kind doll. I made her head back in 2018 and it’s marked at the back of the head with my name. Her antique eyes are high crystal dome dark blue eyes which give her a softer look.
I made bisque arms and upper arms to match the color of an antique Chevrot body and a bisque shoulder plate came with the body could be vintage. ( please refer to my old entry for more detail of making arms).
Her blond mohair wig was made from all antique materials by me. Her dusky pink dress ensemble is also made all from antique materials and hand stitched by me. Please note this antique silk fabric has some holes and stains from its age. I advise to minimize touching the dress and keep the doll away from sunlight in order to preserve in good condition. She comes with cotton batiste three piece underwear and corset and bustle pad. An antique purse she is holding and pink earrings are also included.
Please email me at bebesbysayuri1@gmail.com to inquire about this doll if you are interested in. I have multiple serious buyers even before she was completed so I will pick a buyer by using the lottery system on July 19th Sunday. This is not an auction, she has a fixed price. I accept paypal payment and bank transfer from international buyers and  paypal and personal checks from domestic buyers.
Thank you for visiting my blog to view my newest creation. I hope you enjoy seeing her!

I made Bru style shoes with black lamb leather. Socks are vintage cotton socks.

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