24 inch Bru Jne 11 with antique eyes ~ SOLD~

I am so proud to offer this 24 inch Bru Jne 11 doll finally.                                                         She has these amazing antique blue spiral eyes which are extremely hard to find. These eyes are way too nice and  pricey to use for reproduction dolls because they are meant use for antique dolls. But I wanted to make a special Bru Jne doll almost as good as antique Bru so here she is!

お待たせしました。いよいよ24インチBruJne11嬢を販売いたします。          彼女には、リプロドールにはちょっともったいないほどレアで高額なアンテイークスパイラルブルーアイを使いました。本来ならばこのクラスのグラスアイはアンテイークドールに使われるべきなのですが、どうしてもアンテイークのような風格のBruJneを作ってみたかったので、あえて使いました。

Her white bisque is painted very pink, similar color to antique Bru. Her facial feature is also painted carefully to resemble antique Bru doll. In order to fit these antique eyes, I had to make her eye cut larger than usual. That seem to give her this adorable little girl like expressions. I chose this dark blonde antique mohair wig to emphasize that look.


Her body is Chevrot style leather body with metal hip joint. I antiqued leather part to give vintage look. Her lower legs are made with composition.


Her dress is entirely made from antique material. I used sage green with caramel gold antique silk brocade fabric for jacket part and caramel gold and sage green antique silk for skirt and front and back panel. They are all taken from one antique gown from 19th century. Her brown color bonnet is also made from antique silk. Due to its age, there are some tears on fabric but I left them as is to give vintage look. I decorated bonnet with antique silk velvet ribbons and vintage wax flowers.


Her undergarment has four pieces. She is wearing blue corset made from antique polished cotton. Underneath she is wearing combinations and petticoat, bustle pad to give skirt more volume. They are all made from antique cotton fabric.


Her shoes are made with black calf leather accented with antique brown silk bow. There are ” Bru Jne Paris” stamps at sole.I used black antique shoe lace buttons to hook loop. She is wearing vintage brown cotton knee high socks.


All her jewelries and accessories are included in this doll. She is wearing blue glass vintage doll earrings and also vintage bar pin. She is holding antique silver mesh doll purse, perfect for display.


This doll is now sold. Thank you for looking.



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