2011 UFDC Convention in Anaheim

Monday, August 8th, 2011

( Teri’s Antique Dolls booth at UFDC sales room )

Attending UFDC annual convention was a very exciting and educational experience.

The president of UFDC described the convention itself as a museum of dolls and it was true.

I was able to see many rare dolls that I have only seen in books and on the internet. I have two particular Bru dolls that I call ” my dream Brus”. I was hoping to make Bru dolls look like them, and that is one of my ultimate goals.

Well, what do you know ! They were both there at the competitive exhibit table side by side. I was almost in tears when I saw them. I could have stayed there forever! Not only were they 100 times more beautiful than pictures, they looked so life-like. Many doll collectors use expressions like ” I want a doll that speaks to me.” And they were speaking to me for sure ! Unfortunately, I will never be able to own them, but at least I can try to make dolls that look like them someday.I am sure many other doll artists were inspired just as I was by seeing all these wonderful dolls. This part alone was worth coming to the convention.

But that was just one part. Meeting with other fellow doll enthusiasts was perhaps the best reason for going there.I was able to meet other doll artists who have exchanged email with me a few times in the past. We quickly became good friends as if we had known each other for a long time. It’s always nice to be able to talk about technical issues with someone who knows what you’re doing. I don’t usually have that opportunity since I do doll-making alone at home.Sometime it makes me feel like I am the only one struggling, but I found out that other artists go through a similar struggle.

I also took a few seminars and workshops, learning so much more about dolls. The most eye-opening experience was taking a refresher course in Japanese history as seen through Japanese doll culture presented by Alan Scott Pate. Alan has published many books about antique Japanese dolls, and he is one of the most well known antique Japanese doll experts in the U. S..

I must say Japanese history classes I took when I was in school were very boring. They did not stay in my memory very well.
But Alan’s lecture was full of interesting stories to help me understand history in a fun way. It was three hours long but the time went by so fast. His seminar is simply very enjoyable. I would recommend it for anyone who has a chance to attend.
 Last but not least, we all received a souvenir doll at the banquet on the last day. This year’s doll is an all bisque doll created by Darlene Lane. The doll’s name is Aimee, and she is so tiny and adorable. She is only 5.5 inches tall but the details of her facial painting are incredible. To paint such a tiny doll with perfection is already hard enough, but Darlene hand made more than 1000 of this same doll for the convention. I can’t even imagine doing that much work myself. This was the moment I truly appreciated doll artists. I can see how much work she put into each doll, and she did not cut corners in any details.Thank you, Darlene.
 The Halopeau doll that I made for this convention was sold, and I appreciate everyone who came to see my doll during the convention. I received many compliments and met a few of my customers there. It’s always nice to know who I am doing business with since I rarely have a chance to meet them. Next year’s convention will be held in New Orleans. I hope I will be able to go there and again have another exciting time!












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