Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!                                                                                                I don’t have any progress to show Triste head # 2 so far. End of the month and beginning of the month are very busy time for me as a nurse and I hardly have time for doll making.   I am posting another photo of Triste head # 1 I took under natural lighting.                     Hope everyone will have a wonderful family gathering today!


New bonnet for Triste

I am still working on second Triste head. Meanwhile I gave early Christmas gift to my first Triste head I made and I like to post her new photo. It’s an antique black straw bonnet with beautiful ribbon work at the top. Unfortunately pictures do not show the detail of black ribbon. Hope everyone will enjoy her new look.                                                             Playing with dolls is such a great stress reliever! Have you purchased Christmas gift for your dollies yet?

二つ目のトリステヘッドはまだ制作中ですが、一作目のトリステにちょっとはやいクリスマスギフトを買ったので画像を載せます。アンテイークの黒いストローボネットです。トップのリボン飾りがとても凝っていて可愛いのですが、写真ではよく見えないので正面からの画像だけです。ちょっとシックな感じなって、また違うお人形になってみたいで楽しいです。                   ストレスが溜まっているときは、こうやってお人形遊びをするのが一番ですね。皆さんはもうお気に入りの娘にクリスマスギフトを買いましたか?

Photos from customer

I received wonderful pictures of my Bru dressed by a customer. I like to share her beautiful  work with everyone. Enjoy!


Triste first trial head

By the way, first Triste head I made ( with smaller eye cut) did not look good with antique eyes but she looks okay with modern glass eyes. I had few requests from people who want to see what she looks like, so here she is.


She will stay in my collection as is for now ….

Start over with new head

I found out my first trial head needs eye cut adjustment after I completed painting.              It happens all the time but bit disappointing.   🙁     Will start over with new head and now I know which area needs to be adjusted. This is common procedure when I work with new mold. It’s just very time consuming  ( sigh….)

*************************************************************************************************絵付け完成後、グラスアイを入れてみて判りました。アイカットが少し小さすぎました。  ガーン 🙁                                                                                                                                    初めて使うモールドや、しばらく使ってないモールドで作るときは良くあることなのですが、やっぱり落ち込みますね。でも、たたき台ができたおかげで次にどこを直せばいいのか解ったので、次のヘッド制作へ向けて作業開始です。でも今年中の完成はちょっと無理っぽいです。

Triste head after 4th firing

After struggling with eyebrows for few days, I was able to paint base shape of eyebrows. At next firing ( 5th firing) I will be doing touch up painting of eyebrows and other area, adding cheek color. I was lucky enough to find antique Jumeau body with straight wrist, same style body that was used for antique Triste. It’s been re-strung and ready for a new head.  Hope this head will be good enough for the body!
