10日間の日本滞在は、あっという間に過ぎてしまいました。FB やインスタでは随時状況をアップしていたのですが、このブログはフォーマットがややこしいためスマホではアップデートできませんでした。
来場されたお客様のほとんどが、”思ったより小さいのにとても迫力があり、実物の方が断然良いですね” とおっしゃってくださいました。実物の方が良かった、と感じていただけることは本当に嬉しいです。これこそ展示会の醍醐味ですよね。遠方より足を運ばれたお客様がたくさんおり、中にははるばる海外からいらして下さった方もいました。本当にありがとうございました。
チケット購入リンク https://passmarket.yahoo.co.jp/event/show/detail/02eenbe1hra31.html
My 10-day stay in Japan went by so fast! I was able to update my status of the trip from time to time on FB and Instagram, but this blog could not be updated on my phone due to the complicated format.
Now, as for the Velvet Knot Doll Exhibition, I attended the gallery on opening day, and had the opportunity to talk with many online followers, including customers who had come a long way.
The new 14 inch Miss Bru was actually not very photogenic under the natural light, so it was difficult to convey her beauty and could not show the actual color of the bisque and dress in the photograph.
Most of the guests who came to the show said, “She is more beautiful and has such a powerful presence even though she is smaller than I thought she would be.”
I was very happy to hear that they felt that the actual doll was better than what you see in pictures. This is the best part of an exhibition, isn’t it?
Many visitors came from far away, and some came all the way from overseas. Thank you very much.
The venue of the exhibition, the former Adachi residence, was tastefully decorated with antique European furniture and accessories collected by the organizer/ home owner. And the wonderful dolls of the participating artists were displayed in a way that blended well with them. It is a unique setting as a doll exhibition, especially in Japan. Visitors may have felt as if they had gone back in time for 100 years once they entered the venue.
You were able to enjoy not only beautiful dolls but the entire space as being part of this exhibition.
The lottery was held on November 20th and my Bru doll was sold to a lucky winner. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the lottery and visited the exhibition.
The exhibition will be open until December 4 and all dolls will be displayed till then. Please do not miss this opportunity!