I am starting sewing again! It’s been three months since I used sewing needles last time. I am still unable to lift heavy object with my right arm but recovered enough to be able to sew at least. I never realized how much sewing causes stress on my shoulder and neck muscle till I injured them. I am working cautiously and taking a break every 30 min to avoid over working muscle but I am just so happy that I can finally push needle without much pain. I will be making a dress for 14 inch Bru first because I love her face and that increases my motivation. I can not create a quality doll if I don’t have that ” wanting” feeling inside of me. I picked these red antique silk fabrics for her. She is definitely a pink or red kind of girl. I have been feeling bit low for last few months by looking at naked dolls on my desk while I could not work on them. But now I got that excitement back again and want to finish them so badly!
Monthly Archives: May 2019
Frequently Asked Questions
I receive many inquiries about my dolls but I am not able to respond occasionally because sender’s email address is not valid address or sender’s name is not written. In case you are one of who did not receive response from me, here are answers to frequent asked questions.
Q : Do you take any custom orders?
A : Unfortunately I do not take any custom orders including dress only or head only.
Q : Are new dolls posted on blog available?
A : Dolls I am making currently are for exhibition in Japan this fall and not available to public. Hopefully I will be making more dolls for sale to public from my website next year as my physical condition improves.
Q : How do I purchase your new doll when it’s available from website?
A : I can only create very few dolls per year now and I post progress of new doll on my blog and Facebook, Instagram when I start making. Please email me to inquire about dolls that you are interested including price. I often have multiple buyers by the time doll is finished and use lottery system to choose a buyer. Each doll have fixed price and it is not an auction. My email address is bebesbysayuri1@gmail.com. You will get response faster if you include your name and email address in the mail. I do not respond to email without sender’s name or correct email address.
Bru Jne 4 head
I completed Bru Jne 4 head to make 14 inch doll. She turned out to have sweet face and I am very pleased. I took photos with Bru Jne 6 head side by side and you can see how different they are. I am taking both of them to sales event in Tokyo this fall.
メトロポリタン美術館では、源氏物語の特別展示を開催していて、古典に混じってなんと大和和紀さんの”あさきゆめみし”の原画が展示されていて、往年のファンとしては原画がみれて感無量。😭 日本の漫画家さんのイラストには芸術的価値があるとかねてより思っていましたが、それが認められたみたいで嬉しいです!私にとってはルノワールと同じくらい価値のある作品です。帰ってきてさっそく”あさきゆめみし”一気読みしています。ほかにも、ロックの殿堂入りしたミュージシャンの貴重な楽器の特別展示があり、あのビートルズのドラム、ギターやジミヘンのギター、イーグルスのダブルヘッドギターなどなど、この機会でなければお目にかかれない名器がゾロリで、よい思い出に。メトロポリタン、やるなー!