Making body parts for May workshop

I am working on body parts for 14 inch Bru’s that I will be using for May workshop. We will be painting Bru Jne 4 head and lean how to make Chevrot body. It is 4 day class and I will be providing finished body parts such as legs and arms, SP so that we can finish assembling during workshop.  I am not use to working with multiple dolls and this project turned out be a bit challenging but I will get there!


Cleaning these heads were the hardest job! ヘッドのクリーニングが一番手間がかかって大変でした。(;^ω^)

I am applying up to skin wash so that participants can finish the rest. それぞれのビスクヘッドには肌色まで絵付けして、あとは生徒さんに完成させてもらいます。

Carving Bru legs one at a time. Bruレッグは、一本づつアンテイークレッグのように彫刻していきます。

After carving. Looks more like Bru leg. 掘りなおした後は、だいぶBru の足っぽくなりました。

I am going to bake and paint them after carving.

14 inch Bru Jne 4 is SOLD

I have picked a name of buyer this morning. This 14 inch Bru Jne 4 is now sold and I already notified a winner.
Thank you all for visiting my blog to view this doll.
I especially appreciate for people who applied lottery. It was so competitive and I am sorry for not being able to make everyone winner. 😭
Please look forward my next creation!


14 inch Bru Jne 4 with antique body and antique eyes for sale

Here is my newest doll up for sale. She is 14 inch Bru Jne 4 with antique Chevrot body and antique eyes. I made the head, dress,bonnet, undies and shoes. Her wig is antique mohair wig and she comes with vintage blue glass earrings and vintage mesh purse.This antique body has repair on both hands and shoulder plate. Please refer to my old entry to read detail about the body. She will be listed for sale till April 22nd 6 am US pacific time. I will use lottery system to pick a lucky buyer on Sunday 22nd and will notify only to a winner.  If you do not hear from me on that day, unfortunately you did not win the doll. Please email me at or to inquire about this doll. You can also read how this doll was created by checking my blog archive. Thank you for visiting my website to view this precious little girl. I hope you enjoyed !



Her dress is made from antique turquoise color silk taffeta. ドレスはターコイズ色のアンティークシルクタフタ地で作りました。

I made this Bru style little leather shoes with nickel buckle. Socks are vintage rayon socks. Bruスタイルのニッケルのバックルがついた革靴を作りました。靴下はビンテージのレイヨンソックスです。

Bonnet for 14 inch Bru

I made bonnet for my little Bru!  The base fabric is ecru antique silk satin and I covered front brim with antique silk organdy. The accent ribbon is pale mint green color. I made few flowers with same organdy fabric to decorate front brim. I use to use millinery flowers as decoration but I wanted to try something new this time. I really like chic looks of this organdy flower.

Bru嬢のボネットが出来上がりました! ベースとなる部分にはアンティークのエクリュ色シルク地を使い、フロントのブリムにはオーガンジーを被せました。飾りのリボンは薄いミントグリーンです。いつもならヴィンテージの布花で飾り付けするところですが、今回はボネのサイズが小さいこともあってちょっと違った風にしてみたくて、フロント部分と同じオーガンジーの布で花を作ってアクセントにしてみました。このさりげないシックな感じが気に入っています。やはり小さいサイズのドレスやボネは、シンプルに仕上げた方が全体にまとまりが出ていい感じです。

Dress for 14 inch Bru is completed

I have been making lots of adjustments for the dress of 14 inch Bru since I started. I could use more complicated design but it would look too busy for such small size doll so I settled with this design. I think this type of dress with wide neck opening and narrow waist is just perfect Bru with Chevrot body. I have made similar dresses in the past and I could not resist to make another one. I always try to make a dress looks the best for each doll and if the doll has the similar look, I tend to make similar dress. 🙂


I added different pleated pattern at left side of the skirt                   スカート部分には、パターンの違ったプリーツを左側に入れました。

I just love bustle style dress with narrow waist. Who else can wear dress like this beside Bru?  私好みの細いウエストにバッスルスタイルの後ろ、Bru嬢以外にこれを着れるお人形はいないですよね。