23 inch Jumeau Triste reproduction doll for sale

It’s been 5 month since I started working on this 23 inch Jumeau Triste and she is finally completed! I have been posting bits and pieces of her parts and dress and probably made you crazy. 🙂 Now you can finally view her complete look. ( I hope all of you are excited!) Because of strong contrast of her dark color jacket and ecru skirt, she was extremely difficult to photograph. Also my camera tend to exaggerate blue color of her eyes and red tone of her human hair, it almost looked like she has orange red hair with extremely blue eyes. Her dark green jacket has lighter emerald green tone than picture but I am unable to capture the true color with my camera. So I like you to imagine that she has less red tone on the wig and less blue tone on her eyes, and more emerald green tone on the jacket. 🙂   Boy, that is so confusing!


I used all antique materials to make this dress. As I posted in my blog before, ecru silk was from antique wedding gown from Edwardian era.I hope the original owner of the gown will be happy with the way this dress turned out.


I used antique blue eyes for this Triste head. These eyes are so beautiful and in great shape but unfortunately they did not fit on any of my Bru head mold I have. But perfect fit for this Triste head mold and I am happy that I was able to make a doll with these eyes. Her lace bonnet is also hand made by me. All materials are antique except the silk ribbon on top.


She also has antique Jumeau body with straight wrist, just like antique Triste would have. The body is newly strung and has aged wears and paint chips at joints.


Her undergarments are five pieces as you see on photo below. I made them from antique cotton fabrics and lace.                            下着は全部で5ピースです。すべてアンテイークのコットンとレースで作りました。


I made her shoes with black leather. Socks are vintage cotton socks.         画像の ジュモーシューズも私の手作りです。靴下はコットンのビンテージです。

This doll is now sold. Thank you for visiting my blog.


Making petticoat

I am planning to finish Triste by this weekend and I am at very last stage of dress making.  I was making dust ruffle ( I hope that’s the right name) to attach inside the skirt today. I like the look of accordion pleats dust ruffle but making tiny pleats is bit time consuming. Thank goodness it’s not mid summer right now. Holding hot iron for long time to make this pleas is a painful work when it’s hot outside. I also made petticoat and bustle pad as part of undergarment.These layers will help to make to the back of the skirt look puffy. I love this style and I want my doll dresses to have that ” puffy” back. 🙂


Lace bonnet for Triste

I finished lace bonnet for Triste yesterday. Made from all antique materials except silk ribbons at the top. I used about 6 yards of silk ribbons to make pom-pom. It’s almost impossible to find such long yardage of antique silk today so I have to substitute with modern material. But I dyed ecru ribbon with coffee and that seems to help to make ribbon look vintage. I prefer to use coffee instead of tea to dye silk. Tea seems to give more reddish tone than coffee. But this is just my preference.


Shoes and corset for Triste

While I am still deciding skirt design, I go ahead made shoes and corset. Jumeau shoes sole requires more work than Bru shoes sole because I have to put neat crease all around. I know not very many people actually pay much attention to doll shoes sole but I want to make sure these small details are done neatly. I took pictures how I make sole step by step so you can get an idea how they are made.


Cut tooling leather to shape of sole and soak in water to make leather soft.       厚手のツーリングレザーを型どおりに切って、水につけて柔らかくします。

Mark the crease inside of the edge with very steady hand.                                                     クリーサーを使って、まっすぐな線をぐるっと入れます。

Smooth the edge with plastic slicker. This is very important because nice smooth edge gives shoe more vintage look.                           プラスチックのスリッカーで、靴底の端をスムーズにします。この端の部分がつるつるだと靴にビンテージの風合いが出るので、何回もこすって丸く仕上げます。

Very smooth shiny edge. Looks great!                                                                                  こんなにつるつるになりました。いい感じです。

Stamp Jumeau Bee mark. It would be nice if they come in different sizes. Currently only one size of die is available.                            ジュモウの蜂のマークをスタンプします。このスタンプはワンサイズしか販売されていないのが残念です。大きい靴用に大きいサイズもあるといいのですが。。

I rub in leather oil to give vintage look instead of dye leather.                                                革を染色する代わりに、私はオイルを塗りこんでビンテージの風合いを出します。

Polish the leather to give nice shine. What a transformation from tooling leather!    仕上げに表面を磨いて出来上がりです。ただの革からこんなに変身しました!

Here is finished look of Juemau shoes. I used brown silk ribbon as an accent just like antique Jumeau shoes.                                                                                                              トレードマークの茶色のシルクリボンをつけてジュモウシューズの完成です。

Here is the corset I made today. I used antique blue polished cotton and antique lace edging with antique silk ribbon accent.  Yes, I inserted tiny bones inside seam.    こちらは、今日作ったコルセットです。アンテイークのブルーのコットンを使って作りました。 飾りはアンテイークのレースとシルクリボンです。もちろんシームには小さいボーンも入っています。


Triste dress progress # 2

I drew this sketch of the dress from actual antique doll few years ago and finally I have an opportunity to make a dress based on this drawing. This is the dress I am working on right now for 23 inch Triste. I specially like the layered part of the skirt and it looked wonderful with an antique doll. I have been working on this layered section for last few days.


base part of the skirt is box pleated skirt with lace over lay               ベースになるのはボックスプリーツのスカートにレースのオーバーレイ

Total of 18 hand stitched panel for layered part.                   18枚の、二重に重ねる部分のパネルをせっせと手縫いです。

Place the panel over lace …  レースの上にパネルを重ねて。。

Unfortunately, they do not look right. I have to remove the panel and have to come up with plan B. What a shame! Often time I can’t tell if the design works or not till I actually make the parts. Darn it! …..To be continued …


Triste dress progress

I have been working on the front panel of the jacket and finished this much. Antique ecru silk I took from the wedding gown has very nice aged color and sheen. This is something I can not substitute with modern silk fabric.I am so happy with the looks so far. The actual color of dark green silk is much lither emerald green but my camera is not able to capture the true color. Too bad…
