Bru hat completed

Hat making doesn’t usually take too long for me. I usually plan for a day or two depends of the size and design. But this hat took about four days to finish. The original antique Bru hat uses straw hat as base but instead, I made frame with millinery wires. Figuring out the right size of brim was also tricky. This hat looks so beautiful and grand because of the large brim. But if I make the brim too large, the doll will look silly. I finally came up with the right size brim for my 14 inch Bru after adjusting the pattern multiple times. The back side of the hat also has many layers of lace and fabrics to give depth and richness and making each parts were time consuming. I also struggled to figure out how to place ribbon at front part of the brim. ( please refer to the photo below ) Placing ribbon in this fashion seem nothing to it but when I tried, it looked so goofy. I ended up with making few different color and style of accent ribbons to see which one works the best. If none of them looked right, I was going to not to add ribbon in front. But I finally figure it out today and it seem okay, I think, I hope. Here are photos of the hat I finished today.



This ribbon at the front was extremely hard to duplicate.               このフロント部分のリボンのつけ方がとても難しかったです。

I tried with many different ribbons…                                                                                          試したリボンの数々。。。

Here is my version of Bru hat.                          完成品はこんな感じに出来上がりました。


Bru dress completed!

My reproduction of antique Bru dress is completed today!!  Making recreation of antique dress like this one is a huge challenge because I have to pay extra attention to detail try not to loose integrity of original dress.  I actually regretted little bit for choosing this design because the pressure was little too much. But I am happy with the result and I am ready to show my work to everyone!

Bru嬢のドレスが完成しました! 実はこのデザインを選んでからちょっと後悔しました。なんだか無謀なチャレンジを選んでしまったようで。。。こんなに有名なドレスのレプリカを作るからには、オリジナルの風合いを損なわないようにいつもの倍くらい気を使って作らなければなりません。プレッシャーが大きすぎてちょっとスランプになってしまいましたが、なんとか今日完成までこぎつけました。出来はまあまあ満足のいくものなので、ここでご紹介したいと思います。

I stated making front panel ( plastron) by hand stitching many lines.                                    まずは前回の続きから。フロントパネルの制作。ひたすらちくちく雑巾縫いをします。

Pull all strings to create gather then press with iron to make nice wrinkles.       横糸をひっぱってギャザーを作り、アイロンで綺麗なシワを作ります。

The two belts at the front panel are very important part or this dress design. I ironed them carefully to create right ” wrinkles”.                                                                                         このドレスの魅力の一つは、フロントパネル部分の”帯”のようなベルトだと思います。ここでも”シワ”を魅力的に見えるよう気を使ってプレスしました。

The original Bru dress uses unique box pleats design for the skirt part. It might be a small detail but this kind of extra work gives dress a spacial look. I didn’t have enough patterned fabric left to make skirt part so I used blue fabric instead.



Here are photos of finished dress.

This is the original Bru doll owned by Mr. and Mrs. Yamazaki.

Bru dress in progress

It’s a slow progress but I have made this much so far. The patterned fabric is made from silver thread and it’s very heavy. Feels almost like working with kimono belt. Hand stitching piping trim caused me bad neck pain and I had to stop. Hope I can finish up front and back panel next week.



Fabric for the Bru dress

Patterned antique silk fabric I found online for the Bru dress finally came today. I hope this will work …
