Black Bru doll head progress

My black Bru doll head is completed.  I set antique brown eyes on her and took photos.



This photos was taken after the third firing of skin tone. It’s pretty dark so I stopped right here. 3回目の肌色絵付け後。かなり濃くなったのでこの辺で止めました。

I painted eyebrows ….                              眉毛を入れました。

I did touch up of eyebrows and added more lip color. I painted cheek color but the color does not appear in photo. Too bad.                                                                                       眉毛のタッチアップをして、リップカラーも濃くしました。チークも塗ったのですが、写真には写ってきませんでした。

I temporary set antique brown eyes to see how she looks. I think she is pretty cute.  What do you think?                                                                                                                    アンテイークの茶目のグラスアイを入れてみました。なかなか可愛い感じに出来上がったと思いますが、皆さんはどう思いますか?




Black Bru doll head progress

I have been working on black Bru head for last couple of weeks. I opened kiln this morning and looked at the result of third firing of skin tone and it looks pretty good to me.


Before I painted skin tone. 絵付け前のビスク焼成後のヘッド

After first firing of dark skin tone.          一回目の肌色絵付け後

After second firing ( it looks shiny because I already applied medium to paint next skin tone).  2回目の肌色絵付け後(次の肌色をのせるためミデイウムを塗ってしまった後に撮影したのでテカッています)


After third firing. It looks pretty dark to me. I think I will stop here.           3回目の肌色絵付け焼成後。かなり濃くなったので、この辺で止めます。


Started making a new doll

I acquired these antique brown eyes with spiral thread recently.  They are perfect for my next doll I am working on. Can you guess what I will be making next?


If you guessed ” ethnic doll”, you are correct. I will be making black Bru doll this time.          I have made mulatto Bru in the past and this time will be a black Bru which has slightly darker complexions than Mulatto. Painting her with right skin color will be a challenge but I am very excited to try something new!


Happy Easter!

Thank you all for viewing my new doll!   My newest A11T doll is now sold to a new owner.   I truly appreciate for many inquiries and applications for lottery.  I wish I could make everyone winner but I had to chose only one person. Please look forward to my new creation that I will be working on very soon.                                                                     Have a wonderful Easter!

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