I left winter wonderland Nevada and headed to warmer and greener Monterey Bay area California to attend Dolls by the Seaside event organized by UFDC Independent Spirits Doll Club California. It was two and half day event and high-light of this trip for me was tour to the Grovian Museum ( Carmel Doll Shop) and event sales room, Seaside Banquet with Alan Scott Pate. They also had ticketed luncheon, doll dialogues, helper room and people’s choice exhibition of doll costumed in beach attire. I had best time spending few days with doll friends, meeting with new people, admiring breathtaking dolls. ( and shopping!) Please enjoy photos from this wonderful event. 🙂
Monthly Archives: February 2019
12 inch Bru is now SOLD
Thank you so much everyone for visiting my blog to view my new doll and so many inquiries. This little bebe found a new owner as of this morning. I already emailed lucky winner so if you did not receive email from me by now, unfortunately you did not get the doll. I wish I could make everyone a winner .. 🙁 I am planing to make one more Bru doll for sale available to public this year. Please look forward to my next creation!
新作のBru嬢にたくさんのご応募ありがとうございました。応募は今朝6時をもって締め切らせていただきました。先ほど抽選を行い、当選者の方とは連絡を取りました。私から直接メールが届かなかった皆さんは、残念ながら落選となります。申し訳ありません。(;^ω^) 今年はもう一体ネット販売用のBruを制作予定です。そして秋にはまた東京で展示会を予定しているので、今回ご縁が無かった皆さんも、楽しみにしていて下さいね!
12 inch Bru Jne is now for sale
My first doll in 2019 is now up for sale ! She is a 12 inch ( with shoes and wig, she is more like 12.5 inch) Bru Jne with antique eyes. Her body is Chevrot style body made by me. Her sage color dress with matched bonnet are made entirely from antique materials and hand stitched by me. Her wig is an antique mohair wig. She comes with vintage glass earrings and antique doll silver purse and tiny doll pin.
Please email me at bebesbysayuri1@gmail.com to inquire about this doll. She will be posted for sale till Feb 20th 2019 6 am US pacific time then I will draw a name of a buyer on that day. She has fixed price, not an auction. Just email me to enter your name on lottery pool if you are serious buyer. I will notify to winner only on Feb 20th so if you do not hear from me, unfortunately you did not win the doll.Thank you so much for viewing my doll! Hope you enjoyed 🙂
今年の最新作、小さなBru嬢の販売をいたします。身長は30センチですが、靴とウィッグを足すと32センチほどになります。グラスアイは、探すのがとても難しい小さなサイズの希少なアンティークアイを使いました。ブロンドのモヘアウィッグもアンティークです。ボディは私が制作したシェブロースタイルのボディで、ビンテージ加工を施してあります。セイジグリーンのドレスと、お揃いのボネットはすべてアンティークの素材を使って作りました。(経年のため、ほころびやシミなどがあります。)ビンテージのイヤリング、シルバーのバッグ、小さなドールピンはすべて付属品です。作品のお問合せ、ご購入希望についてはbebesbysayuri1@gmailまでメールしてくださいませ。この作品はオークション販売ではありません、定価が付いています。 作品購入お申し込み締め切りは、2019年2月20日午前6時(アメリカ西海岸時間)です。現在すでに複数の購入希望者がありますので、2月20日に抽選を行います。当日は混乱を避けるため、当選者のみにメールいたします。もし私から直接メールが行かなかった場合は、残念ながら落選とみなしてください。今日も私の作品を見に訪れて下さり、ありがとうございました。
A bonnet for 12 inch Bru
Here is a little bonnet for my Bru.
Dress for 12 inch Bru
I finally finished the dress for my little Bru! I believe this is my first time to use sage green antique silk fabric to dress Bru doll. I had very small remnant of this fabric ( just enough to make this little dress ) and I used every inch of it. Coming up with a design when you have limited materials is always a challenge and it’s like a puzzle.I have to spend more time for designing than actual sewing. But I am happy with the result and I hope my little Bru feels the same. 🙂