Next step is to antique the leather and assemble the body. But bursitis on my shoulders worsened from doing body making so I will take a short summer break to rest my body. Have a wonderful summer everyone! 🥰🥰

I have been working on the torso of a Chevrot body. Chevrot body has a unique structure, Metal upper legs are attached to the hip joint and the torso is packed with granulated cork.Parking cork requires a lot of elbow grease. It is very important to pack it as tight as you can in order to make a steady body. I painted lower legs after making holes in my knee joint. I tried to match the color as closely as possible to antique Bru legs then gave an antique finish.
I finished making 14″ Bru Jne 4 head. I set antique blue oval eyes and she looks very nice. I think I am going to use this head for my next doll. I fired six times to paint this head and posted a short video of the painting process of this head on Instagram. That’s about average firing time when I paint French doll heads. You can also view from this link. Fliptastic ( This doll is reserved for a customer on the waiting list)
she looks cute form this angle too