My little Schmitt finally got dressed

I made this 14” Schmitt doll 5 years ago and she did not have an appropriate dress for a long time. I have been working on this simple dress little by little for few months and it’s finally ready to be presented❣️I think she turned out very cute 🥰 ( she is a part of my private collection and not for sale)

5年前にこの35センチのシュミット嬢を作ってからいつかドレスを作ってあげようと思いつつ、今日までかかってしまいました。(;^ω^) ずっと被せていたボネがなかなか似合うので、それに合わせた色合いのシンプルなレースオーバーレイのドレスです。体調の良い時にちまちまと作りました。(この子は私の個人コレクション用に制作したので販売品ではありません。ご了承ください)

Check out my Instagram

I am still taking a break form doll making meanwhile, I am posting lots of photos and videos of my dolls from the past on Instagram. Please check out my posting if you haven’t. You can find me as ” bebesbysayuri” or go to this link below.


Bru Jne 6 created in 2015

C Steiner with antique eyes created in 2016

Close up of C Steiner