Making dress for 14 inch Bru

Choosing right color and texture of fabric for each doll is always time consuming because I never know what works the best till I actually drape fabric over the doll. First I have to dig in to my large pile of fabric stash which creates giant mess in my doll room ( imagine polling out all your clothes from closet to pick a right dress for a party) and find few fabrics that may work for the doll, then drape over each of them to find the best. It’s usually one full day work just for this. Once fabric is chosen, next is choosing the design. This will take another few more days for me. I thought some design might work one day then next day I change my mind. Going back and forth over few designs till I am absolutely sure about it.Sewing is time consuming of course but process before I get to sewing stage takes as much as sewing alone. It seems I am wasting lot of time just to make one dress but I will not satisfy with the result if I short cut this process. So this few days of waste of time is actually very important in order to create something wonderful.


I don’t use this kind of sage color fabric very often so I wanted to try, but color is too pale for her. こういう淡いセイジグリーンはあまり使わないので試してみたかったのですが、この子にはインパクト弱すぎでボツです。


This cranberry red silk is my favorite but maybe not for her ?? このクランベリーレッドのシルクはお気に入りの一つなのですが、この子には合わないかな??

I think this dusky blue-gray water-marked silk taffeta works the best to complement her eye color. このブルーグレィのシルクタフタは、この子のブルーアイを一番引き立ててくれるのでこれに決まりです。

I have not decide which wig to use, playing with different colored wig between designing is fun デザインを考えて煮詰まっているときは、ウィッグを変えて遊んだりしてちょっと一息。この色も結構似合う感じ。

Detail of antique Bru body of my new doll

Since I posted info of my new doll, I have received numbers of inquiries. I am so glad to know that she is being loved by many doll fans! I am posting more detailed information about her antique Chevrot body this time to answer some of questions. It has repairs at back side of shoulder plate and both side of fingers. ( please refer to photos below) I could make new parts instead of using repaired parts however, I thought leaving original parts ( even if they are repaired) would be more appropriate to keep the integrity of the body. If you prefer to have a doll with no flaw, this doll may not be for you.


Her both bisque hands have repair and repaint 両方のビスクハンド指の部分にリペアがあります

Left hand 左の指の部分にリペア有り

Left hand fingers,repanited entire hand 左ビスクハンド外側から見た状態 リペイントは手の全体に施されています

right hand 右指にリペア有り

right hand fingers, repainted entire hand 右ビスクハンド外側から見た状態、リペイントは手の全体に施されています

shoulder plate with repair at back side ショルダープレート後部にリペア有り

inside shoulder plate ショルダープレート、内側から見た状態

repaint at back side of shoulder plate ショルダープレート後部にリペア後のペイントが施してあります

back side of shoulder plate 後ろから見た状態、ラインなどは見えません

New head for 14 inch Bru

The first Bru Jne 4 head I made for 14 inch Bru did not have the look I wanted so I made another one. I was very lucky to be able to find these high crystal dome antique blue eyes perfect for this small head. They are extremely hard to find compare to larger size antique eyes. I changed the shape of lips and eyebrows on new head but using different color of eyes made the biggest difference on their look.


Left is a new head and right is the first trial head 左が新しいヘッドで右側が前回作ったヘッド

Photo taken outside. This photo shows more depth of the facial features.                           外で撮影してみました。こちらの画像だとお顔の作りがもっとはっきりわかります

photo taken inside under natural light.                                                                                                              室内自然光で撮影。ちょっと平面っぽく写りました。

Will mount my repro Bru head on this antique Chevrot body               さっそくこのヘッドをアンティークのシェブローボディに取り付けたいと思います

See how high these crystal domes are! すごい張り出しでしょう?うっとり (^^♪

My next doll

February came and gone and I feel like I did not accomplished anything. I was doing some prep work for May workshop between watching Olympic and doing tax prep. I don’t usually manufacturer multiple doll parts at one once so this is very time consuming. I am also trying to develop original pattern of Chevrot body from antique Bru Chevrot body instead of using conventional body pattern I have been using. This job also turned out to be challenging because original Bru body pattern is very different from conventional one. I feel like I opened can of worms I am not suppose to. 🙁 Meanwhile I have been receiving few inquiries about my next doll for sale. I started Schmitt doll last time but that’s not going to finish anytime soon since I have plenty prep work to do for May workshop. I have decided to make 14 inch Bru Jne 4 by using antique Chevrot body I am using to make body pattern from. At least I can tell everyone that’s what my next doll will be. 🙂



This will be my first doll for sale this year,14 inch Bru Jne 4 with antique Chevrot body. However, I do not like result of this head so I will be making another one.          今年初めての新作は、このアンティークボディを使った35cmほどのBruJne4です。 試作品のこのヘッドは出来上がりが気に入らないのでボツにして、また新しいのを作り直します。

I am making new body pattern from this antique Chevrot body.                       ワークショップ用のボディパターンを、オリジナルのBruシェブローボディから取ってみることにしました。


At least I made SFGW for May workshop. They will be cleaned and bisque fired, then I will apply skin tone in order to save time during workshop. ワークショップ用のSFGWが出来ました。ワークショップの時間を有効に使うため、これからビスク焼成をして、肌色の絵付けまでしてから皆さんにお顔の絵付けをしてもらいます。