Mulatto Bru head

Here is another extra doll head I am playing with. This is 19 inch Mulatto Bru Jne 11 head.


I had these vintage brown paper weight eyes from unknown company. They have very high crystal domes and nice threaded patterns. They fit perfectly for this head. I wish I could find maker of these eyes.( They are not from Hand craft or Kanis eyes, or Schoepfers eye)


With Circle Dot Bru head. I like to make bodies for them somday.


Circle Dot Bru head

If you are wondering when I am going to start making a new doll, it’s not that I am not doing anything. 🙂  I have been busy trying to figure out how to prepare workshop in May and being bit slow to start new doll project.  Meanwhile, I noticed few Circle Dot Bru heads with half painted laying around on my desk for few years. ( they are dated 2015) I have decided to finish them just for fun while I am running kiln for other project. Looks like I gave up painting because I could not accept doll head with uneven eye cut back then. Circle Dot Bru head is very challenging to paint because if I don’t paint right, it can turn into very ” ugly” face. But without practice, I won’t be able able to improve my skill anyway, these are perfect material for that purpose. Her eye cut is very uneven but I can see it as her charming character now. Funny how our brain seem to be able to adopt negative images as a positive one in overtime.


Workshop seats SOLD OUT

I have filled all 4 seats for workshop I just posted yesterday. Thank you so much for all inquiries. I truly appreciated! This will be my first workshop for advanced doll makers and if it goes well, I will plan on another one sometime in future. Thank you again everyone!


Workshop ” Making 14 inch Bru Jne 4 with Chevrot style body”

A Happy New Year! Finally Holiday season is over and I am ready to get back to normal routine. Are you?  I like to start 2018 by announcing exciting plan ” workshop to make 14 inch Bru Jne 4 with Chevrot style body” in my house this spring.  I have received so many requests to host event in US and I can finally schedule one this year. Instead of hosting event outside, I like to invite participants in my house to teach how to make small size Bru doll with Chevrot body like this little girl on photo below.

* The date will be May 25th through 28th 2018 , 4 full day seminar at my house in Reno NV.                                                                                                                    * Cost of the event will be $700 per person and this includes bisque blank Bru Jne 4 head, all body parts ( bisque SP, bisque Bru arms, composition lower legs) , all materials to make Chevrot style body including patterns, lunch for 4 days. * Participants will be painting Bru face focusing on eyebrows, lashes and lips and I will show you how to make the Chevrot style body step by step.                              *  Number of seat of this class will be 4  because I like to keep it as small class.      * I will transport participants from and to Hotel since my house is located  about 30 min drive away from hotel in town.                                                                           * Participants are responsible to book hotel and flight. 

I will post more details about the event later on but I just want to know if anyone interested at this point. If you do, please email me at to inquire. Hope I could make this happen this year!



* 日程 アメリカ時刻 2018年5月25日から28日までの4日間のセミナー

* 場所 リノネバダにある私の自宅

* 参加費 お一人様700ドル 参加費に含まれる内容はBruJne4ビスクブランクヘッド、ビスクSP、Bruビスクアーム、コンポジションレッグ、シェブローボディ制作の材料、ボディパターン、4日間のランチ

* セミナー内容 BruJne4ヘッドの眉毛、まつげ、唇の描き方を中心とした絵付けの指導、アンティークのシェブローボディに忠実なボディ制作の指導

* 定員は4名です。クラスはなるべく小さくしたいのでこの人数での募集です。

* リノ市内のホテルから私の家まで車で30分ほどなので、その間の送迎は私がします。参加者の皆さんはホテル、飛行機の予約を各自でお願いいたします。
