Corset completed

I acquired this antique doll corset few month ago to study how its made and it turned out be a perfect specimen to obtain corset pattern for my 17 inch Bru with antique body.


I traced line from antique corset piece by piece on tracing paper and cut them out.               アンテイークコルセットの上にトレーシングペーパーを載せ、ラインをトレースして切り抜きます。

Then copy the pattern on paper towel.                      型をペーパータオルに移します。

Antique corset was larger than Bru body so I applied paper towel pattern on the body and adjusted the size buy cutting excess.                       アンテイークコルセットはBruボデイーより少し大きめだったので、ペーパータオルの型紙をボデイーに合わせながら余分を切り落とします。

And this is how corset for my Bru doll came out. I used antique silver color silk for the front and antique heavy cotton for the back. Instead of bones, I used rope cording for front piece seam line and one bone for the back piece.The corset is accented with antique lace and silk ribbon.



Bru shoes

I made shoes for my Bru doll today. I chose classic Bru shoes design with silver color buckle with leather bow. She is going to wear vintage black cotton socks. I always thought black socks look great with ruby red dress. I did not take photos of shoe making process this time ( I forgot!) but you can read my old blog entry when I made Jumeau shoes early this year.


Bonnet completed

I must confess that I like doll hat with giant brim. 🙂  I use to make this type of bonnet very often but not lately. I had this bonnet design in mind since I started making this Bru doll. She has an antique Chevrot body and antique eyes with gorgeous ruby red dress. She must have a nice tall hat to to complete the fabulous look. Right?  I have this gold antique silk fabric and very hard to find ecru silk moire’ antique ribbon saved for a special doll. Now it’s time to bring them out from my closet.


I dyed narrow silk ribbon with coffee to match the color with moire ribbon.       細めのシルクリボンはモイエリボンと色をあわせるためにコーヒーで染めました。

I will be making shoes and under garment next week!                来週は、靴と下着を作ります。お楽しみに!

Bru dress completed

I made front panel last week and I was working on the back section of the dress this week. I am quite happy with the way bustle area turned out. For some reason I am picky about this part of the dress. I like my doll dress to have nice “puffed” look at the back.  I have tried few different designs for this section and finally found the right combination of ruffles to create this nice curve.


I placed burgundy color antique silk ribbon on each shoulders and added antique bar pin at the front to complete the vintage look.


Bru Jne 8 head on antique Chevrot body

I mounted Bru Jne 8 head on antique Chevrot body today. I have been waiting this moment for quite some time. In order to find the right head to go with this antique body, I fired probably 10 heads at least. Antique Bru dolls come with 17 different sizes from size zero to 16 and each head has only slight size differences. I originally thought Bru Jne 6 would work for this body but turned out the head is too small. I have fired head of Bru Jne 7, 8, 9 and 11 and found out Bru Jne 8 fits the best. However, this particular mold does not have the shape of the mouth I like, so I had to make some changes. I am sooooo glad I was able to finish this head just in time. Now I can’t wait to finish the costume!!



These are the different size heads  I have tried on this body. Only Bru Jne 8 fits correctly on this antique body.                               このボデイーのために焼いてみたヘッドの数々。全部サイズがビミョウに違います。


Lunch meeting in London



So far I have few people responded to my lunch meeting plan in London this coming July.   I am so excited to meet my friends in Europe and have an opportunity to show my dolls!     Here are some more information about the meeting.

Date :  July 12th Saturday 2014 around 11:30 am till 2 to 3 pm                                         Where : So far I am planing to reserve space at restaurant near Paddington train station London UK. The actual place will be emailed to participants later.

Program : Show and tell of my Bru Jne 8 doll with antique Chevrot body. We will study about Chevrot body and antique doll costuming.

Originally I was not planning to sell any of my dolls at this meeting but I did get request for purchase option so the Bru Jne 8 with antique body I am making right now will be for sale on site. I am also taking three Bru heads with antique eyes for sale. They can be purchased as head only or I can finish the doll with or without a dress after customer choose to buy a head. They are two 16 inch Bru Jne 6 head and one 14 inch Bru Jne 4 head as you see on picture below. These three Bru heads are offered to meeting participants only but Bru Jne 8 with antique Chavrot body will be for sale on my website if she did not sell at the meeting.

Please email me to or message me from facebook page if you have any questions or interested in attending this meeting. Look forward to seeing you in London!



Another Bru Jne 8 head


I modified mouth of Bru Jne 8 head I made last time but I was not 100 % happy with her.     I have been working on another head with different technique to change the shape of the mouth. This time I build up thickness to upper lip so that upper lip will protrude more compare to lower lip. The Bru Jne 8 mold I have has the face with lower lip seem thicker than upper lip and that creates different facial expression than Bru Jne with tongue.             I posted photo of two heads side by side and you can tell a big difference between their mouth. Again, they are made form exactly the same mold. I changed a shape of the mouth and eye cut with new head. I think I am going to use this head to finish the Bru with an antique body. She has the looks of antique Bru and I really like the way she turned out.


These Bru Jne 8 heads are made from the same mold. I changed shape of mouth on head on the right side. The head on the left is before I made change.


Bru dress

I have not had a chance to work on the Bru with antique body for last few weeks. But I am planning to take her to London with me in one month so I really have to get going!  I am still trying to make another head since I am not completely satisfied with the last one I made.    I am hoping to finish the other head this weekend if everything goes according to plan.       I made dress patterns today and it will be classic drop waist Bru dress. The fabric I chose is cranberry red antique silk faille. This is my last antique piece I have in this color and I just love this shade! I am hoping I can make a wonderful dress to complement her antique body and head with antique eyes. Wish me luck !

ここ何週間は、作りかけのアンテイークボデイーBruに取り掛かる時間がありませんでした。かといって、ロンドン行きは一ヵ月後! この娘を一緒に連れて行く予定なので、そろそろ本気で仕上げないと~。(滝汗) 先日作ったヘッドは、100%満足しているわけではないので、現在もう一つのヘッドを制作中です。もしうまくいけば、今週末には完成する予定ですが。。。今日はドレスの型紙作りをしていました。そしてデザインは、定番のドロップウェストのBruドレスで行くことに決めました。もうず~っとデザインに悩んでいたのですが、最後の一切れの大切なクランベリー色のアンテイークシルクを使いたいので、やはりそれに見合うデザインは定番のドレスかなと。(とか言う割にはいつも定番ものばかり作ってますね)  せっかくアンテイークボデイーを持っている娘なので、それに見合った素敵なドレスが作れればいいなと思っています。



Lunch meeting in London


So far I have few people responded to my lunch meeting plan in London this coming July.   I am so excited to meet my friends in Europe and have an opportunity to show my dolls!     Here are some more information about the meeting.

Date :  July 12th Saturday 2014 around 11:30 am till 2 to 3 pm                                         Where : So far I am planing to reserve space at restaurant near Paddington train station London UK. The actual place will be emailed to participants later.

Program : Show and tell of my Bru Jne 8 doll with antique Chevrot body. We will study about Chevrot body and antique doll costuming.

Originally I was not planning to sell any of my dolls at this meeting but I did get request for purchase option so the Bru Jne 8 with antique body I am making right now will be for sale on site. I am also taking three Bru heads with antique eyes for sale. They can be purchased as head only or I can finish the doll with or without a dress after customer choose to buy a head. They are two 16 inch Bru Jne 6 head and one 14 inch Bru Jne 4 head as you see on picture below. These three Bru heads are offered to meeting participants only but Bru Jne 8 with antique Chavrot body will be for sale on my website if she did not sell at the meeting.

Please email me to or message me from facebook page if you have any questions or interested in attending this meeting. Look forward to seeing you in London!