Lunch meeting in London

So far I have few people responded to my lunch meeting plan in London this coming July.   I am so excited to meet my friends in Europe and have an opportunity to show my dolls!     Here are some more information about the meeting.

Date :  July 12th Saturday 2014 around 11:30 am till 2 to 3 pm                                          Where : So far I am planing to reserve space at restaurant near Paddington train station London UK. The actual place will be emailed to participants later.

Program : Show and tell of my Bru Jne 8 doll with antique Chevrot body. We will study about Chevrot body and antique doll costuming.

Originally I was not planning to sell any of my dolls at this meeting but I did get request for purchase option so the Bru Jne 8 with antique body I am making right now will be for sale on site. I am also taking three Bru heads with antique eyes for sale. They can be purchased as head only or I can finish the doll with or without a dress after customer choose to buy a head. They are two 16 inch Bru Jne 6 head and one 14 inch Bru Jne 4 head as you see on picture below. These three Bru heads are offered to meeting participants only but Bru Jne 8 with antique Chavrot body will be for sale on my website if she did not sell at the meeting.

Please email me to or message me from facebook page if you have any questions or interested in attending this meeting. Look forward to seeing you in London!





Bru Chevrot body repair in progress

I am almost completed repairing the antique Bru Chevrot body by finishing upper arms today. I was going to use Bru Jne 11 head originally but once arms are attached, Bru Jne 11 head seem too large and unbalanced with this body. My next choice would be Bru Jne 8 head. Balance wise this head seems just right, but unfortunately it’s not one of my favorite mold. I rarely use this mold because it doesn’t have molded ” tongue” in her mouth.  I even sanded off part of the mouth from the mold to create space between lips. I cast the head and I like the little flat space between lips I am seeing. This will make it easier to paint illusion tongue.


Top up the body with granulated cork and pack firmly then stitch up the top to close.   ボデイーの中にもう少し顆粒状のコルクを足してかっちり詰めます。その後、布の部分を縫い付けて閉じます。

I still had remnant of vintage kidskin. It matches color perfectly with antique leather on torso. 幸いビンテージのキッドスキンがまだ残っていたので、それで上腕部を被います。色がボデイーの部分の革とかなり近いので、組み合わせはばっちりです。

Upper arms metal piece covered with kidskin.Lower arms are bisque.         上腕の金属部分をキッドスキンで被い、ビスクアームを取り付けました。

I applied neatsfoot oil on kidskin to give vintage look.                キッドスキンのところどころを革用のオイルで塗って、ちょっと使い古した風合いを出します。

Upper arm leather seem darker for now but it becomes similar color to torso once neatsfoot oil dries. I will glue shoulder plate and chest band to secure with torso when I attach the head.                                                                                       上腕に塗ったオイルが乾くまで多少色が濃いですが、乾くとボデイー部分と似たような色になります。あとはヘッドを取り付けて、チェストバンドをつけて出来上がりです。

Meeting me in London this summer ?

Is anyone interested in meeting me in London this summer?
I will be in London from July 8th through 17th and I am wondering if anyone would like to have lunch meeting with me to study about dolls.
We often have ” Show and Tell ” meeting at local doll club and I am wondering if I can do the same thing with my friends in Europe.
I don’t travel Europe very often but when I do, I like to meet with my online friends so that we get to know each other in person. If I can gather a small group of people in one day, we can have lunch together at restaurant and I can bring my dolls to show. If you are die-hard Bru doll fan like myself, we can study how I restored antique Chevrot body by examining the actual body.This is not a sales event and will not cost you any to participate. I just need you to bring yourself and pay for your own lunch.
Let me know by emailing me at if anyone is interested.
I am still in planning stage and if I get many requests, I will make this happen!

私は7月の8日から17日までロンドンに滞在するのですが、その間にオフミ会を開けたらいいなと思っています。(もしロンドン在住の方やその期間ロンドンへいらっしゃる方がいれば)  私が所属する地元のドールクラブでは、” show and tell “ と言って、メンバーがお人形を持ち寄ってそれらのお人形について学ぶ、というミーテイングをよくやります。それと似たようなことをロンドンで出来たら楽しそう、と思いました。私はヨーロッパへはたまにしか行きませんが、行く時はなるたけメル友の方たちとお会いできる機会を作るようにしています。もし数人の参加者があれば、レストランでお昼を一緒に食べて、そのあと私の作品を見ていただいたり、今修理中のBruボデイーについて学んだり、と言うようなことを考えています。これは作品のセールスミーテイングではないので、作品の販売はいたしません。参加費用もかかりません。ただ単に、同じ趣味のお友達同士集まって、楽しくランチパーテイーできたらいいな、という集まりです。もし興味のある方がいらしたら、 宛てにメールいただけると嬉しいです。

Antique Chevrot body in progress

I got side tracked last week by finding old Bru head from junk box. I am still debating which project to complete first. I appreciate for many input I received and majorities of you told me to finish the old Bru head first. Meanwhile I made bisque parts of antique Chevrot body and started painting the head to go with the body. I like to complete this head first and see how she will look like. Then I will pick the doll whichever tells me to finish her first.                     To be continued ….


My old Bru Jne 6 head

When I get stressed out, I like to dig in my junk box ( box with extra doll heads that did not get used in the past) and play with these doll heads. I am constantly looking for and buying doll eyes and like to try them with different heads I have. Many doll heads do not look right with certain eyes. On the other hand, if I can find perfect eyes to match the head, she suddenly becomes so gorgeous.

I found this Bru head I made in 2010. I don’t remember why she ended up in my junk box because it’s been four years since I made her. Maybe her coloring was not right. She has very pink skin tone and I was making dolls with much paler coloring back then. Maybe glass eyes that customer requested did not look right with this head. Anyway,her facial paint looks good and I don’t see any flaws on the bisque, so I decided to try on these antique blue eyes I acquired recently. Wow, I was amazed how beautiful she turned out!

I especially like how her lips are painted. This particular mold has huge space between upper and lower lips and if I don’t paint right, she would have frightened or screaming look.But I was able to paint her ” tongue” instead of giving her screaming look.I mean, more I look at her more I love about her!  She makes me so excited and makes me want to create a complete doll with this head. I even know what dress I should make. She really speaks to me.

I am currently restoring antique Chevrot body and in the process of making a head for the body. But I’d rather work on the doll makes me excited and keeps me inspired.
I am wondering which doll I should be making. A Bru with antique body or this old Bru head I just discover?? I would like to have some input form you.
(まだ絵付けまでこぎつけていませんが)でも、道のりは長いので、どちらかというと今回、再発見したこの娘を完成させたい気持ちが強くなりました。う~ん、どちらを優先させるべきか?? 皆さんはどちらのほうを先に作って欲しいですか?

Easter Egg Doll Box making part.2

I hosted our local UFDC doll club ( Sierra Nevada Doll Club) meeting in my house this week and we made Easter Egg Doll Box. Each member brought their own decoration supplies so that we can share and exchange ideas and tips. It’s always more fun to do this  kind of program in group. It’s a great learning opportunity.


Gals at Sierra Nevada Doll Club attended this meeting.

You can create egg box not only for Easter but any occasions. This Halloween egg box is a great example. 

This wonderful egg box is created by our member miniature doll artist Barbara Williams.