Second Bru Jne head for 19 inch doll

I made another Bru head for 19 inch doll because I did not like the shape of upper lip and pale skin tone of first head. ( it’s hard to tell by the photo but they were bothering me). I can make skin color darker but can not change the shape of lip at this point so I went ahead to make another head. Apparently second head’s eye cut was slightly smaller and antique eyes I used for the first head were too large to fit in. Fortunately I had another set of antique eyes that work for the second head so I used them instead. As a result, these heads have completely different look and I still can’t make up my mind which head to use. I will spend few more days looking at them and will decide eventually. (^▽^)




24 inch Bru Jne 11 head

My first trial head for 24 inch Bru Jne just came out from kiln. Look at these fabulous antique eyes! Her irises are in much smaller scale against her eye socket compare to 19 inch Bru head I just made the other day and that gives her classic cool Bru Jne look.




19 inch Bru Jne head # 1

I am using these pair of beautiful antique blue eyes for 19 inch Bru head.                     24 inch Bru head is still in progress, meanwhile I finished this 19 inch Bru head # 1.
I have to spend few days with her to find out whether I want to use this head to make a complete doll for exhibition. Sometimes I need extra time to get use to my new girl to figure out if she is a right one.



Velvet Knotさん主催による秋のグループ展のお知らせです。

The bottom link is an information about doll exhibition in Tokyo I will be participating this fall. It’s a group exhibition by 20 top Japanese doll artists and dolls are displayed in ” ancient castle” themed space at Maria Alanso Antiques.My newest creation 24 inch and 50 inch Bru dolls will be displayed in this event. You can view more detail by clicking the link below. You can also view all participated artists work by clicking their name.


Inside the Gate ーVelvet Knot Doll Exhibition-

2019年11月23日(土・祝)〜12月3日(火) 11時~19時
11月27日(水)のみ休館 / 最終日は17時まで


Doll Artists






〒177-0051 東京都練馬区関町北1丁目10-17
Maria Alonso Antiques
JR/京王井の頭線・吉祥寺駅北口 からバスで10分。
4・5・7・8番のりばの 西武バス全系統にご乗車頂けます。

My next doll

I have been saving these super bulged crystal dome antique eyes for special doll and it’s time to use them!
My next doll will be 24 inch Bru Jne for exhibition in Tokyo this fall.
It will be group exhibition with total of 20 top Japanese doll artists and I think larger size doll would look good on this special occasion. I will also be making 50 inch Bru Jne with antique eyes for this exhibition. Details will be posted later on so please look forward!

このドームがものすごく盛り上がったスーパーレアなアンティークアイ、特別な作品に使おうと思ってずっととっておきました。今回いよいよ出番がありそうです。秋に東京で行われるグループ展に、このアンティークアイを使って60センチのBru 嬢を制作しようと思います。総勢20人の作家さんが参加する大きな展示会なので、やはり大きめの作品が映えるのではと思います。60センチのほかに、アンティークアイを使った50センチのBru嬢も同時制作します。詳細はまた後程。お楽しみに!