Monthly Archives: January 2012
Beautiful Japan
Archive for December, 2011
Wednesday, December 28th, 2011
I visited Japan for a short time in early December.
It was my first visit since the March earthquake. My family and friends were telling me that everything is back to normal, but I couldn’t feel it till I actually got there.
I have been to Kyoto many times but this time I felt so special and fortunate to be able to visit this historical city still standing like nothing happened. Everything looks the same from hundreds of years ago, and it’s a sort of miracle since Japan is earthquake country.
To be able to see actual dolls in person and study them means so much to me. Pictures do not always show the true color of dolls and only show a certain angle of the face.
29 inch Antique Scroll Mark FG Doll for sale
Autumn in New England
Archive for October, 2011
Sunday, October 16th, 2011
I just came back from visiting my friend in Massachusetts.
My dear friend Dale Rensing from Ages Designs was an exhibitor at doll show in Dedham near Boston. I joined her to help out her booth and it was fun!!
You can make your own ” Princess Kate” wedding gown for your favorite doll.
New creation ~16 inch Bru Jne 11 ~
Archive for September, 2011
Thursday, September 1st, 2011
Two Circle Dot Bru dolls
Archive for August, 2011
2011 UFDC Convention in Anaheim
Monday, August 8th, 2011
( Teri’s Antique Dolls booth at UFDC sales room )
Attending UFDC annual convention was a very exciting and educational experience.
The president of UFDC described the convention itself as a museum of dolls and it was true.
I was able to see many rare dolls that I have only seen in books and on the internet. I have two particular Bru dolls that I call ” my dream Brus”. I was hoping to make Bru dolls look like them, and that is one of my ultimate goals.
Well, what do you know ! They were both there at the competitive exhibit table side by side. I was almost in tears when I saw them. I could have stayed there forever! Not only were they 100 times more beautiful than pictures, they looked so life-like. Many doll collectors use expressions like ” I want a doll that speaks to me.” And they were speaking to me for sure ! Unfortunately, I will never be able to own them, but at least I can try to make dolls that look like them someday.I am sure many other doll artists were inspired just as I was by seeing all these wonderful dolls. This part alone was worth coming to the convention.
But that was just one part. Meeting with other fellow doll enthusiasts was perhaps the best reason for going there.I was able to meet other doll artists who have exchanged email with me a few times in the past. We quickly became good friends as if we had known each other for a long time. It’s always nice to be able to talk about technical issues with someone who knows what you’re doing. I don’t usually have that opportunity since I do doll-making alone at home.Sometime it makes me feel like I am the only one struggling, but I found out that other artists go through a similar struggle.
I also took a few seminars and workshops, learning so much more about dolls. The most eye-opening experience was taking a refresher course in Japanese history as seen through Japanese doll culture presented by Alan Scott Pate. Alan has published many books about antique Japanese dolls, and he is one of the most well known antique Japanese doll experts in the U. S..
Halopeau doll completed!
Archive for July, 2011
Monday, July 18th, 2011
Gee, I finally finished making my first complete Halopeau doll to take to the UFDC convention.
And here she is!
I have made quite a few H heads recently but never had a chance to make a complete doll.
Most of the dolls I have been making are custom dolls. In other words, I don’t decide the dress or details of the dolls.
Edging trim at the bottom of the jacket is made with silver thread. It’s very heavy and has a nice antique patina which adds another layer of richness to the dress.
I had an antique AT doll side by side to paint this H head ( and my customer’s) to capture the true coloring of skin tone, feathered brows, lip shade, etc …
How lucky can I be!
As a result, I think she greatly resembles an AT doll.
I look forward to meeting new friends there!
Noble Dolls by Vita Soyka
Archive for June, 2011
Her dolls are inspired by early European wooden dolls from 17th ~18th centuries, but they are all her original designs, not reproductions.
You can read more about Vita’s dolls from these links.