I didn’t realize I have been working on this doll for almost 5 months since I started in April. I appreciate everyone for waiting such long time for me to finish this doll. Now waiting is over and it’s time to reveal her with two outfit and her trousseau !
I painted her bisque in pink tone like antique Bru doll. She has special antique paper weight blue glass eyes to give her antique look. As I mentioned in past blog, I put specks all over bisque intentionally to give her aged look. http://bebesbysayuri.com/dollblog/?p=1407 Therefore it is not flaw but if you prefer clean bisque, this doll may not be for you.
ビスクはアンテイークに近いピンク色に絵付けしてあります。グラスアイは、アンテイークのオーバルアイです。以前ブログでお知らせしましたが、ビンテージっぽくなるようこの娘にはわざとビスクにキルンダストを付着させてあります。http://bebesbysayuri.com/dollblog/p=1407 難点ではありませんので、ご了承ください。
I hope she turned out as you all are hoping for. She is a tiny cabinet size doll but seems to have the presence of a ” big doll “. Her expressions also changes when she wears different costumes. She appears very sweet and young in pink and looks more mature in aqua dress. I will post her body and underwear pictures once again for people who visited my blog first time.
さて、ご期待通りの仕上がりになりましたでしょうか? 14インチと小さいキャビネットサイズながら、なかなか存在感のある娘です。しかも、ドレスを換えるごとに表情がずいぶん違って見えます。ピンクのときは可愛らしく幼い感じに、アクアのドレスではちょっとお姉さんっぽい雰囲気に見えます。
I made Chevrot style body for her and used vintage kidskin leather this time.I stained only part of the body and the rest is leather’s natural color. I also stained her composition lower leg to match vintage feeling.
She is wearing 5 pieces of undergarment. I resized antique doll underwear to fit on this doll. But corset is completely hand made by me. Outer fabric is silver color antique silk and lining is made with antique heavy weight cotton. There are tiny bones to hold the shape.Her shoes are made with black lambskin leather. There are ” Bru Jne Paris” stamps at the sole just like antique Bru shoes.
Now, it’s time to reveal her trousseau! I started making this box few month ago because it requires many different steps and very time consuming. I have been cutting out doll pictures from magazines and catalogs ( not just any doll pictures, I only picked good ones!) when I had down time at home between my busy schedules. After glued cutouts all over the trunk carefully, I decoupaged and crackled surface, then gave antique finish. I lined inside the trunk with pale blue silk fabric and placed accessories on inside the lid. These goodies are all included in this doll. ではいよいよプレゼンテーションボックス、と言うかトランクのお披露目です! 制作するのに何段階もの手間暇がかかるものなので、何ヶ月も前からこつこつと作ってきました。とくにちょこっとだけ暇な時間ができたときなど、ちまちまとお人形の写真を切り抜いて集めていました。しかも、なんでもいい写真ではなくて、良いお人形の写真だけ集めたんですよ。切り抜いた写真を貼り付けた後は、デコパージュをして、クラックル効果を出し、さらにその上からアンテイーク加工をしました。箱の中にはペールブルーのシルク地を貼り付けました。そしてふたを開けると、その内側にはたくさんのアクセサリーが!
You can store her dresses and hats in these compartment.
These accessories are all part of her trousseau! これらのアクセサリーは、すべてこの娘のお支度品です。
This doll is now SOLD. Thank you for looking. I appreciate your visit.