2018 Photo book for sale

My 30 page 2018 photo book is here! I brought back 30 copies from Japan ( they are printed in Japan) and ready to be shipped. The price of book is $12 plus Shipping.       Any orders after these 30 copies are sold, I may not be able to shipped before Christmas since extra copies need to be shipped from Japan.                                    am taking orders till November 30th.                                                                      Please email me at bebesbysayuri1@gmail.com for number of copies you would like to purchase, your name and mailing address, paypal email address,phone number, preferred payment method. I accept personal checks and paypal from US customers and paypal payment from international customers.

先日の展示会で販売したフォトブックの通販を開始いたします。30ページのフォトブックは一冊送料込みで13ドルです。(海外通販用のお値段は一冊12ドルですが、送料は別料金です) 日本のお客様のオーダーは、日本の印刷会社より直接発送されます。よって、私のサインは入れることが出来ませんのでご了承ください。お支払い方法はペイパル送金のみをお受けしています。ご希望の方はメールにてご希望冊数、お名前、住所、電話番号、メールアドレスをご記入の上bebesbysayuri1@gmail.comまでお知らせください。オーダー受付最終日は11月30日です。よろしくお願いいたします。

Visiting doll exhibition in Kyushu

I have been visiting Japan almost every year these days but I have never had an opportunity to visit other doll artist’s exhibition till this time. Fortunately I have received an invitation to one doll exhibition during this trip so I traveled to Kyushu, southern part of Japan, from Tokyo to see Ms. Hiroko Dokura and her student’s doll exhibition.I have in touch with Ms.Dokura and some of her students via email but never met them in person. Finally I was able to meet them and see their beautiful dolls. I say I was very impressed with their creations! I was able to learn many things by talking to them, exchanging information, seeing their dolls. It was very meaningful day at Kyushu.







Back from Japan

My sales event at Kaiko Doll Tokyo was very successful!  Fortunately all my three dolls found new homes on site. I thank everyone who came to see me and my dolls on that day. You sure made this trip worth going!






