Found a forgotten head

I made this EJ head back in 2016. The head was forgotten inside the box without eyes, just laying around till now.
I found this head today and set antique eyes, attached to an antique body, dresses her with an extra costume I have purchased long time ago…. Look, I’ve got a new Jumeau doll to display! 😍

先日インフルエンザとコロナワクチンの接種をしてきました。次の日少しの倦怠感と腕の痛みがあったのでだらだらと過ごしていたのですが、ふとボツヘッドを放り投げておく箱が目に入って、一番上に積んであったJumeauヘッドが妙に気になりました。日付を見たら2016年に作ったヘッドで、今となってはなぜ絵付けをしたのかも覚えていないのですが(多分練習用?)気分転換に目を入れて遊んでみようと思いました。たまたまサイズが合うアンティ―クアイがあり、ボディも探してみたところアンティークのコンポボディも見つかりました。組み立ててみると結構可愛い娘です。ウィッグもアンティークの在庫が見つかり、次はドレスやボネ、靴などなど。今まで趣味で集めておいた在庫でちょうど似合いそうなものが見つかり、あっという間にJumeau嬢一体完成!(*^▽^*) やったー!完成したら癒し系のかわいい娘になりましたよ。ワクワクしながら作業したので、お蔭で次の日にはすっかり回復。体調がすぐれない日はお人形遊びに限りますね。

* お知らせ *


My next doll

I just casted a mold for my next doll as a 19″ Mulatto Bru Jne. She will have mocha-like brown complexion.

Unfortunately I have developed an allergy to plaster dust and dust from dried porcelain slip since we had a wildfire in September.

Prolonged smoke inhalation pushed my asthma to another level this year, I became extremely ill when I was exposed to this dust when I was handling mold and greenware. It took me more than one month to recover and I finally feel my asthma is under control so I tried to cast mold with extra caution. I wear a respirator when I handle plaster mold and wipe down any residual slip so that I will not have dried slip dust inside the house.

Because of this extra work, It now takes much longer to create one doll but this is the best I can do in order to continue making dolls.

I didn’t think seriously that doll making could harm my health when I started doing it more than 20 years ago. But doll artists should not forget that we are dealing with chemicals that could harm our bodies if we don’t handle them correctly. We may not notice any health problems when we are young but over the years, symptoms become more evident. I strongly recommend wearing masks when you are cleaning dried greenware or mixing dried paint. It’s better to be safe than sorry and I wish I was more careful.







Filming Youtube video at Carmel Doll Shop

I was given a rare opportunity the other day to film doll program videos for Facebook online doll convention World Doll Day Celebration with Machael Canadas at Carmel doll shop/ The Grovian Museum.

My friend Sally Freeman and I went to Carmel Doll Shop in California and we successfully finished filming four videos!
Michael and I did a program about anatomy of Bru bodies both in English and Japanese.
We also filmed a Doll Museum tour in Japanese for Japanese audiences. Sally filmed a program of rare antique Japanese dolls wearing boots and kimono and western dress.

My two Bru sisters also appeared during the introduction. ( they are sold dolls so I borrowed them from their current owners ) 

These videos will be premiered at online doll convention World Doll Day Celebration on Facebook in early December. If you have a Facebook account, please join world doll day celebration to view all the wonderful online doll programs they offer.

If you do not have a Facebook account, you can view these videos on YouTube later on ( around Christmas?) from Michael Canadas YouTube channel.

 His channel offers so many fun doll videos to help expand your doll world.
I recommend subscribing to his channel so that you won’t miss new releases.




これらの動画は、12月初旬にFacebook上で行われるオンラインドールコンベンションworld doll day celebration のプログラムの一部として配信されます
もしFacebookのアカウントをお持ちの方は、12月のworld doll day celebration にもぜひ参加してみて下さい。Facebookに加入されてない方は、12月の終わり頃にこれらの動画がYouTubeから配信されるそうなので、そちらからご覧になれます。

Michael Canadasの名前で検索すると、カーメルドールさんのチャンネルに行く事ができます。


14″ Bru Jne 4 with antique eyes

I am introducing my newest doll 14″ Bru Jnr 4 with antique eyes.

( she is reserved for a customer on the waiting list )

I painted her bisque with pinker skin tone like an antique Bru doll. I think she seems to have a more authentic look with her antique eyes with pink skin.

Her wig is a mohair which I made by using antique mohair locks. I also made her a Chevrot style body and stained leather and lower legs to give an aged look.

Her costume was made with antique aqua blue silk fabric with silk lace overlay. I wanted to make a Jumeau style dress for her so I modified the design more suitable for a Bru doll by making a wider opening around the front neck line to show her bisque breast. I also added a hand stitched cord trim design on the jacket as an accent.

The bonnet is made from the teal color silk fabric for the front brim and teal colored velvet at the back. I added feather decoration along with silk taffeta ribbons. It’s decorated minimally but looks gorgeous with the dress.

All her undergarments including the corset are made from antique materials. Her shoes are made from black lamb leather and have ” Bru Jne Paris” stamp at the sole.

I posted her photos on Instagram last week and many of you have seen her photos already. I appreciate so many inquiries about her. All my new dolls are reserved for customers on the waiting list till 2025.

Thank you for visiting to view her! Hope you enjoyed it.







Bru corset

I made a corset for little Bru.
Now she is all complete however,
I am having a major asthma flare-up right now from smoke by wildfire. I won’t be able to photograph her till I feel better. ( I took these photos last week ) Sorry for the long wait. I appreciate your patience 🥺



Bru shoes

I finished making a pair of Bru shoes for my 14″ Bru Jne doll. They are made with black lamb skin I purchased in NYC recently . The sole has stamp of ” Bru Jne Paris”.

Bru嬢の革靴が出来上がりました。アンティークのBru靴から型紙を起こして、サイズを縮小して作っています。黒い革部分は、先日ニューヨークで仕入れた子羊の革を使い、靴底には”Bru Jne Paris”の刻印を押してあります。

Bru Bonnet

Finished making a matched bonnet for 14” Bru! Usually a large brim bonnet works the best with this type of dress. This jacket costume makes the doll look “ gorgeous “ and “ grand” .

I used teal blue antique silk velvet at the back and antique silk batiste for the front side of the brim. Decorated simply with antique silk taffeta ribbons and pale blue feather, vintage millinery flowers. Next project is to make shoes 👠 🥰


Bru dress completed

I just finished this aqua blue Bru dress for my 14″ Bru doll.  I wanted to try stitching cord trim with patterns on the jacket as an accent this time.

I don’t use this technique very often because it’s very time consuming but totally worth it when I see the result.

I also had this lovely antique lace that I wanted to use so badly for this Bru doll. Unfortunately it did not have enough length but I somehow managed to overlay it on the skirt. Next project is to make a matching bonnet!





Bru dress details

Making dress for 14″ Bru. Here are some photos of progress.


I chose this shade of blue antique silk fabric this time

14″ Bru Jne 4 is ready to be dressed

I antiqued leather and assembled the head and body together. Here is my 14” Bru Jne 4 waiting to be dressed. I am working on her dress design now 😊


Before and after antiquing the leather