Small Bru dress is complete

A little gold and ecru Bru dress is complete! ( for my 12” Bru)  The fabric seems too shimmery under the lighting but the actual color is more subtle gold and ecru colored fabric. I used antique silk lace and paid a lot of attention to detail even though it’s a small size dress so it turned out to be a rather gorgeous dress!
 Next project is to make a hat to match this dress .


Bru dress details

Slow going dress making but getting there…  I made small scale shell trim and attaching to the edge of this piece.



And that’s where the trim piece goes . It’s a belt for low waist dress.



A Dress for 12″ Bru Jne

There are so many things that have happened since I last posted. In fact, the world is a much sadder place. My heart goes on to Ukrainian people who have sacrificed everything.It is extremely difficult to see this tragedy on TV since I have friends in both Ukraine and Russia. I just hope this meaningless war will end soon. Sending my deepest sympathy and prayers to all who are suffering.

I had little health issues myself and could not work on dolls for quite a while. I am finally feeling better and resumed working on the dress for 12″ Bru.The color and fabric I picked for this little girl is Gold and Ecru. This rich color combination is one of my favorites. They make Bru dolls look so gorgeous, and especially make little dolls look like a gem.It really motivates me to finish her!


Chevrot body for 12″ Bru

I attached the Bru head to Chevrot style body. She is now 12 inch tall.
I made this body last year while I was making the same body for 30” Bru doll.
Even though she is much smaller in scale, her upper arms and upper legs are made with metal and has metal hinged hip joint. Exactly the same construction as the larger size doll.
* You can also follow all updates from my Instagram ( bebesbysayuri )*
* インスタにも随時最新情報をアップしていますので、そちらでもフォローしてくださいね。( bebesbysayuri ) *

comparing the size difference with 30” Bru

All my dolls have my name and year engraved at the back

12 inch Bru head

Just finished painting a 12 inch Bru head. Amazingly, my first trial head came out really well. Taking enough time off seemed to help improving my work ability. I don’t have antique eyes for this small head so I am using these British blue eyes with spiral threads.
I often use this particular model glass eyes for small doll heads because they give dolls that antique look. I really like her! ( this doll is reserved)


Making next doll

It’s time to get back to work after having an entire month off in January. My next doll will be 12″ Bru Jne. I cast a head and made a Chevrot style body already last year so the process should move along nicely.
Well, that’s what I thought…Unfortunately I found a crack line when I immersed the SFGW head in water for cleaning.
These kinds of problems happen quite often and sadly I won’t be able to find flaws till I go to the next stage. It’s very discouraging but I have no time to waste by sobbing, just move on and cast more heads.
*Please note; all my new dolls are reserved for customers in waiting list up to 2025*

実は去年のうちにすでにヘッドを一回作って(ボツになりましたが)さらにSFGWヘッドも焼いて、ボディも作ってありました。なのでサクサクと制作が進むはずです。 と思ったのですが。。。。Σ(゚д゚lll) クリーニングのためにヘッドを水に浸けたところ、耳の後ろにクラックラインが。。

found a crack line after submerging the head in water

I had made this Chevrot style body and head last year. I am making a new head since this head does not have the quality I want

My little Schmitt finally got dressed

I made this 14” Schmitt doll 5 years ago and she did not have an appropriate dress for a long time. I have been working on this simple dress little by little for few months and it’s finally ready to be presented❣️I think she turned out very cute 🥰 ( she is a part of my private collection and not for sale)

5年前にこの35センチのシュミット嬢を作ってからいつかドレスを作ってあげようと思いつつ、今日までかかってしまいました。(;^ω^) ずっと被せていたボネがなかなか似合うので、それに合わせた色合いのシンプルなレースオーバーレイのドレスです。体調の良い時にちまちまと作りました。(この子は私の個人コレクション用に制作したので販売品ではありません。ご了承ください)

Check out my Instagram

I am still taking a break form doll making meanwhile, I am posting lots of photos and videos of my dolls from the past on Instagram. Please check out my posting if you haven’t. You can find me as ” bebesbysayuri” or go to this link below.


Bru Jne 6 created in 2015

C Steiner with antique eyes created in 2016

Close up of C Steiner

30″ Bru Jne 14 finally completed!

Happy New Year!
I just finished my last doll of 2021 yesterday. I have been working on her since spring ???
It’s been a decade at least since I made such a large size doll. I noticed I have to hand stitch a lot more than the little dresses I have been making. LOL
Here are her photos I can finally share with you.
She is a 30″ Bru Jne 14 with antique eyes.
( She is already reserved for a customer who is on my waiting list.)
I made her head back in 2009 and kept her with me till now. I added mohair eyelashes for her per customer request. (some of original antique Brus did have mohair eyelashes by the way)  I engraved my name and year 2009 at the back of her head.
Her body is a Chevrot style body with bisque SP and lower arm, composition lower legs, metal upper arms and upper legs covered with kid skin leather all handcrafted by me except bisque SP.
I stained my leather body and lower legs to give a vintage look.
She has an antique brunette human hair wig. Her burgundy bonnet is an antique and I made her costume to match her bonnet. Luckly I had antique silk velvet in the same color as the bonnet so I used it as a jacket part and used antique cranberry silk for the front and skirt section. Her dress is traditional style drop waist design, nothing too fancy so I used plenty of antique lace at the back to give richness.
I also made leather Bru shoes which pattern was taken from original antique Bru shoes. Her socks are antique brown stockings. She turned out to a very traditional style Bru doll and I am very pleased with her look.
She will be my last 30″ doll I create. This life size doll has amazing presence but the labor of making such a large doll is a bit too much for me to handle anymore. This head was with me for more than 10 years without a proper body and a dress and I am so glad she turned out to be such a lovely girl.   Hope new owner will enjoy her as much as I do.
Thank you everyone for following my snail progress of doll making. I will take a break for a few weeks and will get started working on a new doll. I receive many inquiries regarding availability of my dolls and all my future dolls are booked for customers who are on the waiting list up to 2025. You can also follow my work at Instagram as bebesbysayuri .           ( Please note I am no longer on facebook.)
I hope 2022 will be a happier and even better year for everyone! Cheers!
2021年はギリギリまで制作をしていて、昨日やっと14号のBru嬢が完成しました。私はこのヘッドを2009年に制作しましたが、今年の春から完成品としての製作に入りました。夏から秋にかけていろいろと予定外のアクシデント(?)に見舞われ、完成が年末までずれ込んでしまいましたが、やっとちゃんとしたボディとドレスを作ってあげることができて感無量です。( ;∀;)
幸いボネと同じいろのアンティ―クベルベット生地を持っていたので、ジャケット部分にはそれを、フロントとスカート部分にはクランベリーレッドのアンティーク地を使いました。サイズが大きい子なのでデザインに凝ることもできたのですが、いろいろ思案してみて、結局この定番なローウェストドレスが一番しっくりくることがわかり、このデザインで作りました。Bruはお顔にインパクトがあるので、ドレスはあくまでも引き立て役、ドレス自体が目立つようなものはやはり合いませんね。(;^ω^) シンプルなデザインなので、後ろにふんだんのアンティークレースを施して、少し豪華さを出してみました。