Bru dress is complete!

I finished Bru dress for my mulatto girl! I have never used this color combination for a mulatto doll so I wasn’t sure if it works but the dress turned out beautifully. I was very fortunate to have an antique gown from the 19th century with this color and brocade silk, just perfect for doll size.  I took the antique dress apart and used various parts to construct this doll dress.

The base pattern is not very complicated but by adding yards of antique lace helped to make the dress look aged and rich. I am very pleased with how it turned out.

My Next project is to make a hat and shoes. Then she will be complete!






Fabrics for Mulatto Bru

I am going to use these mint greenish tone antique silk fabrics for my new Bru. I tend to pick warmer color for brown complexion dolls so this is a new challenge 😆 These fabrics were part of a silk gown from 19th century. I am going to take the dress apart and turn it into a dress for my doll.



A Corset for Bru

I made a corset for my newest Bru.
I used gray antique silk fabric this time. Looks very chic 😆 ( this doll is reserved)


Body for Mulatto Bru

I am making progress with my new doll little by little and her Chevrot style body is now completed. I used tan colored lambskin for her torso and upper arms to match with her brown complexions. I am using antique doll undergarments for her to save time.

Next project is corset making!


Happy New Year!

Thank you for all your support and friendship throughout the year. 2022 was not the best year for me due to multiple health issues. Hope 2023 will bring peace and health and prosper for everyone.

Happy New Year!




My doll program video now available from YouTube

Here are links of three video programs I filmed with Michael Canadas at Carmel Doll Shop/ The Grovian Doll Museum. I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment or click the thumbs up button. Please be sure to subscribe so that you won’t miss future fun doll related programs!



The World Doll Day Celebration Christmas event

Facebook private group The World Doll Day Celebration Holiday event “ Christmas in the Land of Live Dolls” will be held in December 9-11 2022.
They offer entertaining educational programs, shopping opportunities, complementary downloadable souvenirs.
I had a privilege to film one of programs as a presenter and you can view full program during this event.

I filmed three videos with Michael Canadas including, Bru body anatomy in English and Japanese , A virtual tour to The Grovian Doll Museum in Japanese. There are lots of rare images like inside of antique Bru body or detail of antique Bru kimono dress etc … Something you will only see at this event program and Carmel Doll Shop Youtube Channel.
To participate this event, you will need to be a member of the World Doll Day Celebration Private Group on Facebook. You can request to join for free of charge.
Hope you can join us to celebrate this wonderful Holiday doll event!

皆さん、10月にカーメルドールショップで撮影したfacebook のプライベートコミュニティThe World Doll Day Celebration クリスマスイベント用の動画が、YouTube 配信に先立って12月9日から11日までFacebookから配信されます。


日常生活で日本語を使わない上に、全て台本無しの一発撮りのため、かなりヘッポコな喋りになっていますが、興味のある方はぜひFacebookのグループに参加してみてください。他にも沢山の楽しいドール関連動画や、セールスルーム、ダウンロード可能なお土産も付いてきます。参加は無料ですので、the world doll day celebration で検索してメンバーリクエストを行なってください。


Brown complexion Bru head

I hope people living in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

My next doll, Mulatto Bru’s head, is completed. Painting mocha color skin tone is always a challenge. I fired four times with this head and finally achieved the right color ( I hope).

I added more matt agent in paint this time so that the head doesn’t have that shiny eyebrows or forehead. I am using high dome spiral threaded antique brown eyes that look very close to eyes from an antique Bru doll, perfect fit for this head.




Found a forgotten head

I made this EJ head back in 2016. The head was forgotten inside the box without eyes, just laying around till now.
I found this head today and set antique eyes, attached to an antique body, dresses her with an extra costume I have purchased long time ago…. Look, I’ve got a new Jumeau doll to display! 😍

先日インフルエンザとコロナワクチンの接種をしてきました。次の日少しの倦怠感と腕の痛みがあったのでだらだらと過ごしていたのですが、ふとボツヘッドを放り投げておく箱が目に入って、一番上に積んであったJumeauヘッドが妙に気になりました。日付を見たら2016年に作ったヘッドで、今となってはなぜ絵付けをしたのかも覚えていないのですが(多分練習用?)気分転換に目を入れて遊んでみようと思いました。たまたまサイズが合うアンティ―クアイがあり、ボディも探してみたところアンティークのコンポボディも見つかりました。組み立ててみると結構可愛い娘です。ウィッグもアンティークの在庫が見つかり、次はドレスやボネ、靴などなど。今まで趣味で集めておいた在庫でちょうど似合いそうなものが見つかり、あっという間にJumeau嬢一体完成!(*^▽^*) やったー!完成したら癒し系のかわいい娘になりましたよ。ワクワクしながら作業したので、お蔭で次の日にはすっかり回復。体調がすぐれない日はお人形遊びに限りますね。

* お知らせ *
