Making a Bru body

Just finished assembling my newest creation!

This original Bru body was missing a head and arms, so I made the head and set antique eyes, made a new pair of upper and lower arms, then put all parts together. Now it has become a new 15” Bru doll! I was lucky to have a stash of a small piece of old kidskin for this project. I used it to cover the metal part of the upper arms then antiqued leather so that arms won’t look too new against the body. I am very pleased with the result. All parts seem to be the right size with this torso, her body proportions are very well balanced. This rarely happens when I mix old and new parts together since I only have certain size molds to make body parts.

I feel like I just got a new doll and getting super excited to design a dress for this special bebe! ( this doll is reserved )



こんな素晴らしい機会がまたいつか来るのでしょうか?ここ何年かは、ちょうど良いサイズのアンティークBruボディが手に入る機会が全くないので難しいですね.( ;∀;)

Back to making Bru Doll

The doll show was very fun! It was so nice to be able to reunite with doll friends I have not seen since COVID. Also had the opportunity to meet many of my Facebook/Instagram followers. It’s always nice to meet internet friends in person. I think I will try to participate in the World Doll Day Show & Sale in Sacramento next year again. ( I will be more prepared next time )

I was so busy during the show and forgot to take pictures! I will post one picture taken by a customer with her permission. Thank you Lana!

 Now time to resume production of my new Bru doll.

I just acquired these beautiful small antique blue glass eyes. I was not sure if they would work for this Bru head since irises are much smaller than brown eyes. I tried them on today and she looks amazing!

These blue eyes made her look a completely different doll. This makes it very difficult for me to decide which eyes to use. I think I will let the new owner pick a favorite. 😊

(This doll is reserved)



これを機会に、来年もサクラメント市でのショウに参加させていただこうと思っています。次回はもっと準備万端にしてから (;^ω^)





My newest AT doll will be available at doll show

I just finished 22″ A. Thuillier doll to take to the WDDS show in Sacramento this Saturday! She has antique eyes and an antique composition body. I made her head back in 2015 ( marked at the back of the head) but she did not have the appropriate body and a dress so I made her silk dress and her leather shoes this time. Her bonnet and ash blond mohair wig are antique. ( purse and umbrella are for display only ) Her dress is made from Champagne gold antique silk decorated with lots of champagne color lace trim. In case you have noticed, I used the same design with Bru dress I made recently.

She will be available at my table at the doll show. I will be selling lots more other doll related items along withe her. Here is the information of the show. Hope to see you there!

World Doll Day Shows in Sacramento California

Sat April 15th at Officer’s Club 3410 Westover St. McClellan California.

door opens at 10 am, closes at 3 pm

56センチのAT嬢が完成しました。今週の土曜日にカリフォルニア州サクラメント市で開催されるドールショーのために、ドレスと靴を仕上げました。このヘッドは2015年に制作されたもので、ちゃんとしたボディとお仕度が無かったのですが、急遽ドールショー参加が決まったのでアンテイークのグラスアイとアンティークボディを付けて、マッハのスピードでお仕度を整えました。久しぶりの激務で体ボロボロですが、なんとか間に合いました。(;^ω^) ドレスのデザインを考える暇がなかったので、先日完成したムラトーBru嬢と同じデザインを使用、少しアレンジを加えて可愛らしさを出しました。このゴールドのアンティークシルク地は以前にもAT用に使っているのですが、色がこのモールドにとても良く似合うので、残っている分をまた使いました。ボネ、ウィッグなどはアンティ―ク物を使用しています。革靴は今回どうしても白を使いたかったので、アンティークの手袋から取った白いキッドスキンを使って作りました。春っぽくっていいですよね。

My new Bru head

My new Bru head I was working on just came out from the kiln this morning after final painting. I temporarily set antique brown eyes and she looks very sweet ☺️ I like her so far 💕

This Bru Jne 6 mold is one the difficult mold to paint because of her mouth shape. The space between upper lip and lower lip is wider than other Bru mold so I have to pay extra attention to paint to make it look like she has a ” tongue”. I used my antique Bru Jne 7 as a painting guide and took extra time to paint her eyebrows and lips for this head. I think she came out very satisfactory. Probably one of the best Bru Jne 6 I have painted so far. ( this doll is reserved )

I will be concentrating on finishing the AT doll for the WDDS Sacramento show from now on. I will resume Bru production after the show.😊



I will be at Sacramento Doll Show in April

I will be joining World Doll Day Shows in Sacramento California on Sat April 15th at Officer’s Club, 3410 Westover St. McClellan California.

I am taking this 22” A Thuillier doll with antique eyes with an antique body from my private collection. I made this head back in 2015. ( making at the back of the head) I am making her a new dress ASAP right now so that she can be presentable at the show. ( yes she will be available at the table) This will be the only doll show in the US I will be participating in this year. Hope to see you there in April!

My Bru head is still in the painting stage.I will post her progress as I complete.





Progress of New Bru head

I am learning how to cast and clean greenware without inhaling any dust particles and I am getting the hang of it. Fortunately a new Bru head was bisque fired successfully so the hardest part was over. The painting stage is so much easier to deal with. The Next project is to match the color of the bisque head and arms with the antique Bru shoulder plate.


Skin tone was not dark enough with the first firing, it will need another layer


I think the color matched pretty well after second firing


My next doll

We are experiencing record snow fall this winter! Snow day is a good day for doll making so I am getting ready for my next doll. 😊 It will be a 15” Bru Jne with antique Chevrot body and antique eyes. I have been saving this hard-to-find antique body for a special doll and I think it’s time to use it! ( this doll is reserved and not for sale)

Follow me on Instagram bebesbysayuri

今年の冬は記録的な大雪で、毎日すごい量の雪が降り積もっています。(@_@) どこにも出かけられないので、ドールメイキングにはちょうどいいですね。なので早速次の作品に取り掛かりたいと思います。長年取っておいたアンティークのシェブロウボディ、いよいよ出番となりました。この頃ではアンティークのパーツがほとんど手に入らなくなり、このボディもいつ買ったのか覚えていませんがとても貴重なものとなりました。ヘッドはBurJne6ヘッドを使い、アンティークのペーパーウエイトアイを使おうと思います。お楽しみに。☺ (なおこの作品は売約済みですのでご了承ください)

インスタでのフォローはこちらから bebesbysayuri

My newest Bru doll

I am so happy that I completed this doll in February, just in time to celebrate Black history month. She is a 19″ mocha complexion Bru Jne 11 with antique brown eyes. ( This doll is reserved and not for sale) It took me six firings to get this mocha tone complexion and I am very pleased with the result. Her wig is dark brown antique human hair, perfect for this “ Southern Belle “ style I am trying to capture.

I made her Chevrot style body using darker tan colored leather to match her bisque. I disassembled a 19th century antique gown and created this dress by using all antique materials.

The Base of the bonnet is an antique straw hat and I decorated it with matched mint silk and chiffon overlay at the front brim, matched colored silk ribbons and vintage millinery flowers at the back. I also made her black French style leather shoes with rosettes.

I posted two front view images, one is taken under the studio light and the one she is standing in front of the door is taken with natural light. Studio light shows her bisque tone pretty close to the actual doll, and natural light shows her dress closer to the actual color. I could not capture the true color of the dress and bisque with the same lighting so I posted two images. Hope you will enjoy seeing my newest creation!

新作のBru嬢が完成したのでお披露目の画像をご紹介します。(こちらの作品は売約済みですのでご了承ください) 19インチのムラトーBruJneの11号です。グラスアイはアンティークのブラウンアイで、ウィッグはアンティ―クの人毛ウィッグです。ドレスはヴィクトリアン時代のアンティ―クドレスを解体して、この娘のために作りました。ムラトーのビスクの色を撮影するのはすごく難しくて、なかなか実際の色に近い色合いを出すことができません。 この子は絵付け焼成を6-7回やって、ようやくこのモカ色が出せました。照明下で撮った画像が一番実物に近いと思いますが、そうするとドレスの色がペールブルーに映ってしまいます。どちらかというともっと緑がかったミント色のドレスなので、自然光で撮った画像も一緒に載せますね。(ドアの前に立っている画像が自然光で撮ったものです)自然光で撮った画像のドレスが、実物に近い色です。同じ照明で実物に近いビスクとドレスの色を取ることができなかったので、両方載せました。どうか皆さんに楽しんでいただけますように。

Hat for Mulatto Bru

I often imagine Southern Belle when I make Mulatto Bru.

So this hat was made for my little Belle who is waiting for arrival of spring 🥰 Base of the hat was plain antique straw doll hat and I decorated front brim with mint green silk fabric I used for the dress and covered with silk chiffon overlay. I made matched mint green ribbon decorations and placed them carefully with vintage millinery flowers at the back. I think this will compete my new doll I have been working since last fall. I will plan on photo shooting tomorrow and will post her final look in next few days. Please look forward to my next post!

( the doll is reserved and not for sale)

皆さん、サザンベル(Shouthern Belle)という言葉をご存じですか?映画”風と共に去りぬ”に出てくるヴィヴィアンリーのキャラクターのような、アメリカ南部の美しく着飾った当時の女性たちをこう呼びます。ムラトーの作品を手掛ける時、なぜか私はこのサザンベルをイメージしながら制作することが多いです。ヴィクトリアン時代のムラトーの子供といえば、やはりアメリカ南部に多かったからだと思うのですが。というわけで今回のムラトー嬢のボネは、そのサザンベルが被るような春っぽいふわっとしたデザインにしました。ベースの麦わら帽子は、何年か前にパリで仕入れたアンティークのドールハットです。造花しかついていないシンプルなものだったので、今回はドレスとおそろいのミントグリーンのシルク地を前のツバに張って、その上にシルクシフォンを被せました。アクセントに使うリボンも同じ色のミントグリーンのアンティ―クリボンで蝶々を作って、バランスよくなるように造花と合わせてあしらいました。これでようやくお仕度がすべてそろいました~。イヤー、今回は長かった。確か10月か11月頃から制作に入ったような気がします。これから撮影に入るので、数日のうちにお披露目画像を載せますね。どうぞお楽しみに!
