Body for Bru Jne 14 is completed

I finished making a large Chevrot style body for 30 inch Bru. I gave an antique finish to the leather part and lower legs to make the body look aged.
It’s been more than 10 years since I made a Chevrot style body in this size. It’s very heavy and huge! See the photo below comparing the size difference with 12 inch Bru. ( Doll’s forehead looks huge but it’s distorted by camera. Actual forehead is more normal shape)


* Both dolls are reserved already * なお両方の作品はすでに売約済みです。


Continuing Body making for Bru Jne 14

Our air quality has improved dramatically as the forest fire is getting under controlled. We owe so much to our amazing firefighters. They are true heroes!  I am seeing blue skies and mountains which we missed out most of the summer. I can finally catch up on what I have left a few months ago. I had already made metal parts of the Chevrot body ( which is the hardest part ) at the beginning of the summer so I am working on the outer leather part and stuffing granulated cork. This body is huge, compacting granulated cork is no easy labor. Building good shoulder and arm muscle at the gym really helps for occasions like this.


Packing granulated cork to giant Bru body is no easy task…

She is almost 30 inch tall. Huge!

Wildfire in South Lake Tahoe

Thank you for many concerning emails regarding wildfire in South Lake Tahoe.Where I live is still far up north from the fire and we do not have imminent danger however we have been suffering from smoke and air pollution for almost two months.

The Sky is covered with thick gray smoke for days and we did not have time to enjoy summer. We are having extreme drought this year and the fire season started very early. It seems to be getting worse each year. I hope this is not going to be a new normal …
I have been having respiratory problems from this prolonged smoke and air pollution and it’s interfering with my work. I am hoping cooler weather in September will help to control the fire soon. Keep fingers crossed. 😞



It looks like fog but it’s actually smoke 毎日霧のように煙が立ち込めています

Some days we have air quality gets up to hazardous level. I can’t go outside without wearing N95 mask. 日によっては空気汚染が危険レベルまで上がるので、N95のマスクを着けなければ外へ出ることもできません。😢

Evolution of Bru Jne 14 head

July was very uncomfortable due to extreme heat and smoke from wildfire in neighboring states. We live in a high elevation so we did not need AC till now but the temperature reached 100 degrees for the first time since we moved here 22 years ago. We want to install AC as soon as possible. But of course, all HVAC companies are in high demand. We have to wait till fall to get installed.
 I don’t have much to show progress on the new doll because I could not work on dolls  last month. But I can show some photos how she has evolved since I made this head back in 2009.
I have changed her eyes and wigs time to time just to enjoy a different look of this Bru head. A new owner-to-be fell in love with the look of antique eyes and eyelashes with a brunette wig, and that’s how she is going to be finished.
I would love to be able to resume working on her as soon as the weather turns cooler.
私たちは標高が高い地域に住んでいるので、22年前にこの家を建てたときはエアコンが必要ない環境だったのですが、今年はなんと、初めて気温が40度近くまで上がり、(@_@) その上煙で窓を開けることができず、家の中が暑いままの状態がずっと続いて全く仕事ができないでいました。しかも、空気汚染で喘息が再発し踏んだり蹴ったり。( ;∀;)

She had modern eyes and dark wig when I made her back in 2009

Then I changed her wig to blond …

I found antique eyes to fit on her eventually …

New-owener-to-be fall in love with the look of antique eyes and lashes with dark wig

My Bru(s) received a Blue Ribbon(s)

I received a happy phone call from a friend who entered her Bru doll ( the head was made by me) that her doll received a first place blue ribbon at the UFDC national convention competition. What great news!  My friend made a costume for the doll so it was recognition of both of our work . Congratulations! Then I found out that another Bru doll also awarded a blue ribbon ( which is unusual)  and that was entered by my other friend who owns a Bru doll which the head was made by me and dressed by the owner. ( I believe I introduced this particular doll in this blog in the past)  So there were two first place dolls and both doll’s heads were made by me and dressed by owners. What a surprise!    Thank you to both of my friends who brought my dolls to convention. I could not be there this year but I hope my dolls enjoyed the experience instead.

バルチモアでのUFDCのコンベンションも無事に終わったようです。先日、私がヘッドを作ったBruをコンテストに応募した友人から、”一位のブルーリボンをもらいました”と嬉しいお電話をいただきました。私が人形を作って、友人がドレスのお仕度をしてくれたコラボ作品なので、二人の努力が評価されたようで喜びもひとしおでです。 ところが、コンテストでは珍しく、もう一体同時一位のブルーリボン賞を受けた作品があったようで、なんとその娘も私が過去にヘッドを作ってオーナーさん(この方も私の親しい友人)がドレスのお仕度をしてくださったという作品でした。(このBru嬢は以前ブログでもご紹介したと思います。)彼女から作品を応募する由は事前に聞いていなかったので、嬉しいサプライズでした。私は今回のコンベンションには参加しなかったのですが、代わりに二体もの私のBru嬢が参加してくれたので、あの子たちが楽しんでくれたらよかったなと思っています。

Another Bru received a blue ribbon which head was made by me and dressed by owner

Find my doll at convention

UFDC convention in Baltimore is around the corner. Unfortunately I am not attending this year but guess what? One of my dolls is!
I made this 14″ Bru head with antique eyes and SP to fit on an antique body for my dear friend years ago. The owner of this doll is also a wonderful seamstress and she is working hard finishing her a costume for competition. (The red velvet dress she is wearing in photos is an antique dress ) I am excited to find out what she will be wearing!
She will be entering the competition category of  ” Doll with Bisque Head-French” in classification 41. If you happen to attend the convention in Baltimore, please stop by at competition room and look for her.

今年もUFDC コンベンションの季節がやって来ました。今回はメリーランド州のバルチモアで開催の予定ですが、残念ながら私は参加しません。
友人であるオーナーさんは素晴らしいドールドレスを作る方で、現在コンペ用に別のドレスを製作中だそうです。どんなお支度になるのか楽しみです。😊 (画像の赤いドレスとボネはアンティークだそうです)

Bru Jne 14 Shoulder Plate

I had this Bru Jne 14 head and hands mold from CDW company for a long time but never had a chance to purchase a shoulder plate mold before it became unavailable. I have only made less than a handful of this large Bru and finding greenware for shoulder plate is always a challenge because not very many doll shops carry SFGW of this particular mold. I was finally able to obtain a blank bisque SP from Australia this time ( my great appreciation to the person who made this SP for me) and now my Bru Jne 14 head finally has a proper size SP !  I have been making only small size dolls lately and just comparing arms side by side amazes me. Bru dolls have the most beautifully sculpted hands without a question and large Bru hands really show the artistry.  It is very satisfying to recreate such a work of art piece by piece.

私は14号Bruのヘッドとビスクハンドのモールドはずいぶん昔から持っているのですが、ショルダープレートのモールドを買い損ねたまま廃版になってしまいました。    なのでこの大きい子を作る際は、いつもショルダープレートだけグリーンウェアを探さなければなりません。しかも、このCDW社の大きいモールドのグリーンウェアを販売してくれる業者は、アメリカではほぼゼロ ( ;∀;) いつも探すのにとても手間がかかります。今回もあちこち探し回って、やっとオーストラリアからビスク状の物を取り寄せることができました。おかげさまで12年ぶりにこのBru嬢に、正しいサイズのショルダープレートを付けてあげることができました。ここ何年かは小さいサイズの作品ばかり作っていたので、大きいBruハンドの型抜きをするのは久しぶりです。小さいサイズと並べてみるとよくわかるのですが、Bruのパーツの造形は群を抜いて美しいですよね。頭の先からつま先まで美しいBruを作り上げる時、パーツを作っている時点からその美しさにうっとりしながら作業しています。

My next doll

My next doll is 27 inch Bru Jne 14. Many of you may be familiar with her since I have used this Bru head as a model for greeting cards many times. I made this head back in 2009 and kept it with me all this time. Yet never had time to make a large Bru Chevrot body to go with and I am finally making a complete doll with this head. She already has antique eyes and mohair eyelashes. This will be the first time for me to make a Bru with lashes and I am very excited !  She is already reserved but I will post progress of this doll through next few months. Please look forward to my new postings.


Different wigs for Bru

I received a second dose of COVID vaccine and I had mild flu-like symptoms the next day but pretty much went back to normal on the second day.
I feel better knowing I can go back to nearly my normal lifestyle in two weeks!
I am posting photos of two more different wigs I tried on my 14″ Bru I just sold. It’s always fun to play with dolls even if I don’t actually use them. I can enjoy many different looks with the same doll and I’ve always enjoyed doing this with my dolls since I was a little girl.



The nurse gave me this lollipop because I didn’t cry when I received a shot. LOL ☺       注射の時に泣かなかったので、担当のナースがキャンディをくれました。ハハ (o^―^o)