Happy Thanksgiving!

I am very thankful that all my families are healthy for this year’s Thanksgiving day. That’s all I wish for. I wish all of you the same A Safe and Happy Thanksgiving day!


Schmitt Bebe

I made this Schmit bebe head almost three years ago to keep in my collection. She will be 14 inch tall when finish and it was suppose to be my first Schmitt doll. Well, it’s been busy three years and I completely neglected her ( actually I forgot that I made her ) and I just found this head laying around in the box sadly. If you live in US right now, it’s very stressful time because of Presidential election. I have been restless just as many of you, and playing with dolls is the perfect way to keep me calm. So I have been playing with this Schmitt bebe for last few days. I attached the head to the body and trying different eyes and wigs. I will eventually make a dress for her and imagining best design for her is so exciting. It brought back love of dolls in my heart again.  I am not posting much on blog lately since I am not making any new dolls right now but I am posting dolls I have made in the past on Facebook and Instagram routinely. Please check my SNS if you see miss my posting!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bebesbysayuri/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bebesbysayuri/?hl=en



My little Schmitt head with blue spiral threaded eyes and sheep skin wig

Same head with different wig

Changed eyes to antique blue eyes

Antique eyes and blond wig. I like this combination the best


A Photo from customer

I have received a lovely photo from a customer so I’d like to post it
for you to enjoy. 🥰


19 inch Bru Jne head I made in the past. New owner attached the head on antique kid body. She is wearing an antique gown restored by owner. She looks fabulous!

16 inch Bru Jne 6 is now SOLD

Thank you for so many inquiries and applications for the lottery of my new doll.I ruffled the name of a winner this morning and she is now sold.I already emailed the winner so applicants who did not receive email from me by now, I am sorry your name was not picked this time.I will take a break from making new dolls for the rest of this year and will resume doll making next year. Hope the world will be back in normal by then. Please stay safe everyone and enjoy the summer!



16 inch Bru Jun 6 for sale

I am so excited to be able to offer this beautiful Bru doll for sale finally! Most of my dolls I made last year were sold at exhibitions in Japan and I have been receiving lots of inquiries ” when will the next doll be available online?”  Well here she is!

She is a 16 inch Bru Jne 6 with antique Chevrot body and antique blue eyes. Finding these antique bodies and eyes are getting harder each time so she is definitely a one-of-a kind doll. I made her head back in 2018 and it’s marked at the back of the head with my name. Her antique eyes are high crystal dome dark blue eyes which give her a softer look.
I made bisque arms and upper arms to match the color of an antique Chevrot body and a bisque shoulder plate came with the body could be vintage. ( please refer to my old entry for more detail of making arms).
Her blond mohair wig was made from all antique materials by me. Her dusky pink dress ensemble is also made all from antique materials and hand stitched by me. Please note this antique silk fabric has some holes and stains from its age. I advise to minimize touching the dress and keep the doll away from sunlight in order to preserve in good condition. She comes with cotton batiste three piece underwear and corset and bustle pad. An antique purse she is holding and pink earrings are also included.
Please email me at bebesbysayuri1@gmail.com to inquire about this doll if you are interested in. I have multiple serious buyers even before she was completed so I will pick a buyer by using the lottery system on July 19th Sunday. This is not an auction, she has a fixed price. I accept paypal payment and bank transfer from international buyers and  paypal and personal checks from domestic buyers.
Thank you for visiting my blog to view my newest creation. I hope you enjoy seeing her!

I made Bru style shoes with black lamb leather. Socks are vintage cotton socks.

A fancy hat for Bru

The dress for my Bru needs miner adjustment meanwhile, I went ahead finished her hat. I always spend good amount of time thinking about what size of brim will be perfect for each doll. Carefully consider the balance with the dress and her head size against her body, she seemed to look better with a hat with larger brim. I must say I love using antique chiffon for front side of the brim. It seems I am using this material a lot for my latest dolls. Oh well, I hope new owner will also like this style. 😉

ドレスはほとんど完成したのですが、ちょっと直しが必要な部分があるので、先にボネットを仕上げました。ボネを作る時はいつもブリムの大きさを決めるのに時間がかかってしまうのですが、この娘の場合ドレスとのバランス、ボディに対するヘッドの大きさなどを考慮した結果、大きいブリムのボネが似合うと思いました。 最近作った作品のボネと比べてみると、どうも私アンテイークのシフォン生地が好きなようで、結構似たようなの作ってます。😅


My favorite type of antique chiffon fabric. It’s more precious than gold to me!

Bows, bows, bows!

My trial and error moment. Making lots of sample bows for the front part of the dress to find out which style works the best. I do this very often when I am not sure about the design of sleeve cuffs or accent bows etc …This is something I can’t tell till I make actual samples and apply directly on the dress. Very time consuming process but you don’t want to ruin the dress by using the wrong type of bows. I often find out the most unexpected one ends up working the best. It’s a nice surprise and widens variety of future designs.


Bru dress coming along

It’s been very slow going but the dress for my 16 inch Bru is coming along nicely.


自己隔離を始めて3か月以上経ちました。私の住んでいる街でも6月からだいぶ平常に戻りつつあります。ただ私の場合ほとんどのお友達がシニアであることと、同居している息子が病院勤務で常にCOVIDウイルス患者と接触しているため、私自身に免疫がある事が確定するまでは誰にも会わない事にしています。もしかしたら、今年いっぱいこの隔離状態が続くかもしれませんね。3か月も経つとさすがに慣れてきて、出かける予定が何もない日々のおかげで体調が随分改善しました。ジムへ行く代わりにテラスでヨガをしたり、近所の森へハイキングに行ったりでストレスレベルが格段に下がった事と、5年以上不眠症を患っているのですが、最近摂り始めたGABA サプリのおかげで,やっと夜まともに眠れるようになりました。数時間でも熟睡出来るので首の筋肉も休む事ができるせいか、痛みはかなり軽減しています。コロナ騒動、世の中にとっては大変な出来事ですが、私にとってはどうやら必要な休養期間だったようです。何十年もの間ずっと締め切りに追い立てられる仕事をしてきたので、常に時間を気にしながら生きる癖が抜けず、今までは休んでいてもいつも中途半端にしかリラックスできませんでした。そのツケが体調に現れたようです。毎日何かを達成しなければ満足できないという強迫観念から解放されるには、今のように”何もしなくてよい日々”を何か月も続ける必要があるんだと実感しました。”罪悪感を感じずに何もしなくてよい日々を過ごす”、現代人にとっては難しい事ですが、私にとっては最良の処方箋となりました。


Bru wig

I am still working on the dress for my Bru meanwhile, I needed her wig to get better idea of her finished look. I often make adjustments of the dress depends on her wig, facial expressions etc… It might not make any huge differences but I like to get it right when I have time. This is the time when my OCD kicks in. (;^ω^)   So I decided to make her wig today.  I used all antique materials to recreate her wig looks like an antique mohair wig.


Her new wig made with all antique materials

Locks are hand tied antique mohair

Cap is also made with antique buckram


I have been spending lot of time watching movies lately. Last time I mentioned about Jane Austen movies. Another good ones to watch when you have plenty of time is BBC mini series of ” War and Peace”. It was filmed in Russia and dance scene at Catherine Palace is so mesmerizing. I did not get to go inside of Catherine Palace when I was there 10 years ago and seeing it in this movie was such a treat for me!
