12 inch Bru Jne head

When I was working on a 12-inch Millet Bru a few weeks ago,  quite a few kiln dust appeared on her face after the third firing.
I had a couple of spots appeared on the bisque in the past but this is the first time I had so many of them.
I received a lot of useful advice when I posted it on social media, including the opinion that the dust will disappear if you fire the head with cone 5, so I tried it. Sure enough, the dust and red colors burned off. The original head was bisque fired with cone 6, so it seems that bisque firing at a slightly lower temperature (cone 5) can prevent over firing.
When I started repainting the red sections like the lip and eye shadow, a few kiln dust appeared again during the third firing. However, it was almost completely gone by the fourth  firing with cone 018. 

The number of visible dust particles has decreased to about three and the head itself is very small so they are not very visible to the naked eye anymore.  I consider this to be within the acceptable range. 

 I decided to use this head for my next doll and set sparkly antique eyes with large irises. These beautiful antique eyes have a lot of sparkly patterns and that gave her a very cute, dreamy expression.

I think these irises are dark navy, but they kind of  look grey in the pictures because sparkly threads overpower the blue color underneath.

 I’ve finally been able to finish this Bru head after multiple obstacles happened this year.  Maybe because of that, I want to create a sweet faced doll rather than a Bru doll with an attitude. I really love her soothing, gentle face.








#1 so many spots appeared
#2 fired with cone 5 to burn off all spots
#3 repainted pink skin tone
#4 repainted lips and eye shadows

Repainted eye brows and cheeks, final painting is done, only few spots left at this stage
Set antique navy blue eyes with lots of sparkles. She looks very sweet

A little Kestner 102 head

I fired and painted this little Kestner 102 head and a Bru head in the same kiln. This head had no kiln dust. Since I bought the SFGW of this doll, its porcelain slip was from a different brand than the Bru head I cast. Very interesting.

何年か前にソフト焼きのレスラーちゃんを手に入れていたのですが、この度やっと絵付けまでこぎつけました。 モールドを持っていないので失敗したらそれまで、でしたがなんとか使えそうです。と言っても自分のキープ用ですが。。(;^ω^)

Rohmer fashion doll head

While struggling with kiln dust on the Bru head, I created a Rohmer head under the same conditions for comparison. This mold, gifted from a friend who passed away last year and previously unused, became my first fashion doll head attempt.

Curiously, despite using the same slip, paint, and even fired with the Bru head in the same kiln, this head produced minimal kiln dust. I have tried different type of antique eyes for her to find out which looks I like the best. I think I like the last photo with cobalt blue eyes. She looks sweeter.

BRUヘッドのキルンダストにまだ悪戦苦闘しているので、比較用にローメルのヘッドを同じ条件で作ってみました。 このモールドは、昨年亡くなられた友人から譲り受けたものでまだ使った事がなかったので、初めてのファッションドールヘッド制作も兼ねてチャレンジしてみました。 興味深い事に、このヘッドにはほぼキルンダストが発生しませんでした。同じスリップ、絵の具、しかもBruヘッドと一緒に同じ釜で焼成したのに、なぜ⁉ 疑問は深まるばかり….ちなみにこのローメル、制作された1860年代当時の設定は10代の少女だったそうですが、この溢れるオバサン感は一体。。。 私の絵付けはこれでよかったのだろうか?

まだこのヘッドのイメージを模索中なので、違うタイプのグラスアイを色々試してみました。 個人的には最後の画像の虹彩大きめのコバルトブルーが好きかな?