Playing with fabric

I am nowhere near to start sewing a dress for my 16 inch Bru but couldn’t resist from planing the dress design. I usually start by draping over different types of fabrics to the doll to see which one is most suited for her. I often come up with the design while I am doing this. This is one of the fun part of creating new doll. It’s very therapeutic and lets me forget what’s happening outside. We all could use moment like this especially now. 🙂


I also love taking antique gowns apart. I was so excited when I found this mint green fabric hidden underneath of burgundy silk. Just like finding treasure!

I harvested this much of wonderful trims on top of yardage of fabrics from antique skirt.


16 inch Bru Jne 6 with antique body and eyes

We’ve been hit by late snow storm for last 4 days and non-essential business will be closed for next 30 days due to COVID-19 outbreak. So I will be staying home for while. My son works at local largest hospital and that makes me little nervous but fortunately none of my family members have health problems at this time. I am very thankful for that. My heart goes out to people who lost their families or still sick in bed from this virus. I truly wish this terrible outbreak will be resolved soon. The best thing we can do right now is not to pass virus to each other. Please keep in mind that you may not show any symptoms but virus you passed unintentionally could be deadly to someone. And that someone could be your family members or your dear friend.

Even I am self isolating, I can still exercise at home, chat with friends via online, and most of all, it is a good time to concentrate on doll making. Well, actually I am still not fully recovered to be back on the job yet. I can work on the doll for couple of hours at times for 2-3 days a week with a day off in between. I still have burning pain like stubbed by hot knife on my cervical spine if I work for more than hour or two. But because of depressing time like this, I want to make a doll for myself and for everyone to enjoy. We have to find a way to make ourselves smile a bit, keep mind off from depressing stories. Staying positive makes your immune system stronger so it’s very important to surround yourself with favorite things. Fill your 5 senses with things you love and try to pump out lots of happy hormones in your brain. 🙂

I recently acquired beautiful antique blue eyes. I have not made any new doll heads this year but I found a Bru head I made two years ago which may work for these eyes. Amazingly these eyes fit perfectly on this head and I love how she looks! I also had a stock of antique Bru Chevrot body I found years ago that fits on this size Bru head (these bodies are almost impossible to find these days, lucky me!) and Voila! I have 16 inch Bru doll without breaking my neck! All she needs is new pair of arms and fabulous costume! I am so excited to have this little beauty standing on my work desk. Just like finding a treasure in your forgotten toy box. She sure made my gloomy days much much more enjoyable and something to look forward to in this uncertain time. I will be spending next few months to finish this project little by little. She will be available from my website once she is complete. I hope you can enjoy progress of this little girl together!



最近アンティークの良いグラスアイが手に入りました。今年に入ってまだ新しいヘッドを作ってはいないのですが、ボツヘッドの中に二年前に作ったBruがあって、偶然にもこのグラスアイがぴったり合いました。さらにラッキーな事に何年か前に仕入れておいたアンティークのシェブローボディーがこのヘッドに丁度合うサイズだったのです。グラスアイもボディも今では本当に入手困難になったので、ラッキーとしか言いようがありません。  というわけで、首を酷使することなく突如40センチのBru嬢が現れました。まるで忘れていたおもちゃ箱から宝物を見つけた気分です。(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) あとは両腕を作って、素敵なドレスを縫ってあげるだけ。憂鬱な日々がいきなりウキウキするものになりました。これから何か月かかけて、ゆっくりこの子を仕上げていこうと思います。完成したら、HPからこの子を販売いたします。それまでどうかお付き合いくださいね。

My Bru head fits perfectly on this antique Bru Chevrot body.                 このアンティークシェブローボディがぴったり合いました。



Bru Jne 6 head I made two years ago.                            2年前に作ってボツになっていた6号Bruのヘッドです。

Checking balance of the arm by fitting Bru arm I had in stock.



Lake Tahoe

I believe this February and March have been very stressful to many people due to Coronavirus out break. I like to go for long walk in nature when I am stressed out or feel depressed. Luckly we live only 30 min drive away from Lake Tahoe so we decided to check out new trail they just completed last fall. This 3 miles one way all paved trail has gorgeous lake view through out. Perfect trail with pets or kids and for bicycling. There are lots of water access along the trail and you can enjoy swimming in summer too. It was so nice to get out and get fresh air!



Our dogs also loved this long beautiful walk!

We have mild winter so far and only patches of snow left

Living healthier

Thank you for lots of concerning email since I posted about my condition last time. Actually I am doing pretty well, just not able to sit for long hours to make dolls yet. I go to gym three times a week and I do weight training for 30 min, then run for 30 min, finish with one hour Yoga to build strong muscle to support my spine and make my joints more flexible. I hike my neighborhood forest for 3-4 miles when I don’t go to gym.  Also I have been going Chiropractor and Acupuncture routinely to adjust my spine and for pain management. I use to take anti-inflammatory meds and pain meds very frequently in order to keep making dolls. But I started noticing that side effects of these medications are causing more problems than therapeutic effect. I needed to have a healthy body in order to continue making dolls for another decade so I have decided to use this year to heal my body by using own natural healing power without depending medications. My pain was so unbearable at times, I was ready to try CBD with THC which is legal in Nevada. Then one of my friend recommended acupuncture she goes so I thought I’d give a try before going to THC. Amazingly, going chiropractor and acupuncture simultaneously really helped to reduce my neck and shoulder pain. By continuing this treatment for several months, I am now drug free! Naturally my side effects from all these medications also have disappeared. Along with these treatments and exercises, I have changed my diet to low sodium, low carb, non-processed food with high in protein and fibers, sort of like Mediterranean diet?  I am well aware that human cells need high quality nutrition as fuel and I don’t have much problem eating this way. My body pain increases significantly when I am under stress. Living with less stress was another important agenda to me therefore no traveling or any work with deadline this year. Traveling is fun but on the other hand it can be very stressful for my body because of long sitting hours during flight, unable to sleep due to using uncomfortable pillows, lifting and hauling heavy luggage, constantly worried about daily schedule etc …  Without much stress from work, so far I have been feeling better than ever! I hope to keep this diet and exercise routine rest of my life.

前回の投稿で皆さんにご心配をおかけしたようで、大変失礼しました。(;^ω^)    私はデスクワークさえしなければ、体調はすこぶる良く、日々アクテイブに過ごしています。これから長い間制作活動をしていく上で、基盤となる体がしっかりしていなければ、いつか必ずツケが回ってきます。なので、いまは健康な体作りに集中しようと思っています。現在は週に三日スポーツジムに通っていて、筋トレ30分、ランニング30分、ヨガ1時間のメニューをこなしています。脊椎を支える筋肉を強化して血行を良くし、関節をしなやかにするためです。                ジムに行かない日は近所の森のハイキングコースを3-5km歩いたり、とにかく常に体を動かすようにしています。                         カイロプラクターと鍼治療にも定期的に通っていて、歪んでいた脊椎もだいぶ矯正されてきました。去年まではかなりの量の抗炎症剤や痛み止めを服用していて、副作用に悩まされていたのですが、鍼治療を始めてからお薬もだんだん必要なくなり、今ではほとんど服用しなくなりました。                      そして健康な体を作るには、なにより細胞の元となる栄養素も正しい物を摂らなければならないので、添加物、塩分、炭水化物を控えて、たんぱく質や食物繊維をたくさん摂る食事を心がけています。                        私の場合は精神的なストレスが痛みの原因になることが多いので、今はなるべくストレスを溜めないように、ゆったりと過ごすようにしています。体調のいい時に少しづつ作品をいじってみたりするのですが、やはりまだ1-2時間が限度ですね。長年のナース業勤めのせいで、常に時間を気にして何事も効率よく進める癖がついているので、”まあ、今日はこれでいっか”と途中であきらめる事もできるようになりました。 これはけっこう訓練のいる事ですね。(;^ω^)

This is my favorite work out. ( photo borrowed from web) I do squat for 15 min then work on abs and back muscle. こういうマシーンを使ってスクワットを15分ぐらいやります。その後は腹筋と背筋のワークアウト。

I roast or grill meat and fish and veggies without adding slat. Quinoa salad and brown and black rise mix, fresh tomato and broccoli. グリルかローストしたお肉やお魚を中心に、一緒に焼いた野菜、キヌアのサラダ、玄米と黒米を一緒に炊いたご飯など。私は量をたくさん食べるのですが、このワンプレートでお腹いっぱいです。(ちなみにお皿のサイズは大です)味付けにお塩やお醤油は使いません。

My desert would be chocolate muffin made with avocado  topped with low sodium ricotta cheese. デザートには小麦粉の代わりにアボカドを使ったチョコレートマフィンに塩分が少ないリコッタチーズをのせて。


I eat dark chocolate or low sodium fresh mozzarella cheese , raw almond and no sodium added dried sardine for snacks.  小腹が減った時はダークチョコや味がついていないアーモンド、塩分が少ないフレッシュモッツァレラチーズや塩分無添加の煮干し

Rehabilitating my neck

My neck and shoulder pain has been worsened since I came back from Japan so I am currently taking a beak from doll making. I have straight neck and mild Scoliosis and have been treating them since last spring. My spine condition has improved  over all but I over worked last year and I am paying dues right now. Sitting for long hours in airplane and using wrong height pillow, lifting heavy object and tilting head forward for long hours are the worst activities for my condition. Yet I did all of them too much last year ! (;^ω^)  It’s about time to get serious about healing my body therefore I will not be traveling this year and making very few doll(s) if I am able. I have been going to Chiropractor and Acupuncture, Yoga and weight training routinely right now. Hopefully I will be able to get back in doll making in full swing from next year. We will see !

ずっと更新がなくてご無沙汰しています。秋に日本から帰って来て以来、首と肩の痛みが悪化して、現在リハビリ中です。長年患っていたスレートネックと軽度の側弯症を去年の春から治療していたのですが、一番やってはいけない長時間座りっぱなしのフライト、重い物を持ち上げる、高さの合わない枕を使う、うつむいた状態での長時間作業を、去年はやりすぎました。(;^ω^) なので今年は旅行は無し、作品制作も一点できるかどうか、を予定しています。現在カイロプラクター、鍼治療、ヨガ、ウェイトトレーニングなどの治療に専念しています。そして来年からはまたフルに活動を再開したいです。というわけで、こちらの更新もまばらになりますが気長にお付き合いくださいね。

I am using this foam block to restore natural curvature on my cervical spine.

It works like this. It’s painful at first but I can hyper extend my neck after doing this treatment for few months.

A Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year to all my doll friends!
My new year resolution this year is ” slow down”. I over worked last year and one year went by so fast  without even noticing the change of season. I ended up neglecting my health and paying due right now. 🙁   I like to slow down this year and concentrate on healing my body and mind, enjoy daily life, learn something new outside of doll making. I will still be making dolls but probably one doll for sale. I will work on dolls as my body condition allows and do not want to pressure myself to ” finish by certain date”. I appreciate so many people are waiting for my next doll but I hope you will understand my decision. I am hoping to go back to doll making in full swing from next year. In order to do that, I need to take a break this year.

Have a stress free year ahead. May all your dreams come true. Keep smiling. 🙂    Happy 2020 !


2019 photo book for sale

Only few more copies left! My 32 pages 8.5″ x 6″ 2019 photo book is available now for limited copies. I am taking orders till my supplies run out. Please email me at with :

  • your name and address, phone number email address same as in paypal
  • number of copies you wish to purchase
  • paypal email address
  • name of person you wish me to write on the book

Each book is $22 USD and shipping of one book to US is $3.70 with first class mail, $14.25 for international customers.



  • お名前(フリガナ付き)、住所、電話番号 メイルアドレス
  • ペイパルメイルアドレス
  • ご希望の冊数
  • 本にサインをご希望の方は、アメリカより発送のため送料に14.25ドルかかりますことをご了承ください


現在開催中のVelvet Knot 人形展“ Inside the Gate”昨日が抽選日でした。


Velvet Knot Doll Exhibition

11月27日(水)のみ休館 / 最終日は17時まで

〒177-0051 東京都練馬区関町北1丁目10-17
Maria Alonso Antiques
JR/京王井の頭線・吉祥寺駅北口 からバスで10分。

Velvet Knotグループ展開催中

現在東京で開催中のグループ展”Inside the Gate”、連日大盛況のようです。私はすでにアメリカへ帰国しているので、実際に観に行けないのがとても残念です。最終日は 12月3日ですので、国内の方はぜひお出かけしてみてくださいね。会場のMaria Alonso Antiquesさんのすばらしいアンティーク家具と”古城”のテーマに合わせた作品達が作り出す空間は、まるでヨーロッパの街角にいるようです。今回は作品の一部を掲載させていただきます。まだまだ素敵な作品が多数展示してありますので、ぜひ会場でご堪能ください。


Velvet Knot Doll Exhibition

11月27日(水)のみ休館 / 最終日は17時まで


〒177-0051 東京都練馬区関町北1丁目10-17
Maria Alonso Antiques
JR/京王井の頭線・吉祥寺駅北口 からバスで10分。
4・5・7・8番のりばの 西武バス全系統にご乗車頂けます。